Seriously Ready

Hello, I am new to this but seriusly ready to see results! Not stopping until I'm done!!!!! 30lbs to go!


  • raqattack8
    raqattack8 Posts: 35
    welcome to MFP and good luck with your weightloss journey and lifestyle change xo
  • lisamarie1227
    well, you have a great attitude for getting it done...good luck!!!
  • bossmodehan
    bossmodehan Posts: 210 Member
    you'll find you wont want to stop when you're 'done'! your new lifestyle will be so rewarding, it'll be addictive :tongue:
    best of luck, feel free to friend me if you want support.
  • bramerk
    bramerk Posts: 1
    Hi there, I am new as well and seriously ready. I have the same amount of weight to loose. Good Luck!!!
  • Meowbear
    Meowbear Posts: 10
    Just keep checking back everyday to ensure you stay motivated :)

    Additionally, you may want to get the phone app (if you can)--it keeps me on my toes because I always have to be accountable for what I eat (just at my fingertips).

    Good luck!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    welcome and like someone already said it is a lifestyle change that you will find yourself wanting to maintain. Good luck to you
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member

    Additionally, you may want to get the phone app (if you can)--it keeps me on my toes because I always have to be accountable for what I eat (just at my fingertips).

    This! I find the app invaluable, its so easy to 'forget' the odd snack when you're out and about.

    Well done on taking the first steps to the new healthier you.