New to MFP

Hey everyone! I'm 28 and from Georgia...I was using LoseIt but realized MFP sync's with my Fitbit so I have made the switch! I workout with a PT 3x a week and use C25K 3x a week as well. I eat clean and try to make sure I get at least 5 miles a day in. Send me a request so we can be friends and motivate each other!


  • jesseh376
    jesseh376 Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome, good luck with your workouts! Added :)
  • trifemagic
    trifemagic Posts: 1
    edited March 2015

    Welcome!! I'm from Virginia and just getting started today... Added
  • treezy83
    treezy83 Posts: 121 Member
    Welcome from IA!
  • Hello all from the UK, I have been here for probably a couple of years supporting my wife in her weight loss. This time round its both of us and we are committed to making it work and we are off to a brilliant start. The weight is coming off nicely. :)
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member MFP. This site really works, you get out of it what you put in. :)
  • LKBruneau
    LKBruneau Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Linda from Port Orchard, WA. I made an Apple Crumb Pie w/o bottom crust yesterday and when I searched foods, I found one listed but the amount said 1 slice. What does this mean? How do I know how many slices the pie was cut into? Is there a norm for number of slices I don't know about?
  • wwstewart
    wwstewart Posts: 135 Member
    Welcome from Texas!
  • wwstewart wrote: »
    Welcome from Texas!
    Is everything really bigger in Texas?! lol