Starting over, dissapointed in myself



  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. I understand how you feel... I'm in the same boat. Lost 30 lbs then ended up gaining it all back plus a few. For me, I got so burnt out that I was only 3 lbs from my goal weight and my mind and body just shut down. I was working out like crazy and I just felt as if I couldn't keep pushing myself like that. So when I stopped working out, I started eating more and more and the weight came back. I still fall into the mindset of "push myself super hard now to get the body I want" but I have to remind myself (sometimes daily) that this is a lifestyle change, not something I start and stop.

    So now I'm taking it day by day. Sometimes I'm motivated to do double workouts a day, sometimes I don't want to do anything at all. But in a given week I do more exercise and clean eating than not.

    Don't give up. Try to figure out what caused the slip. If you can't think back that far, it's OK. Keep making positive changes to your fitness level and eating and you'll get the weight off. Just be patient (which is the hardest thing for me to do).
  • kjflaherty
    kjflaherty Posts: 27 Member
    I'm "starting over" for the 5th!!! Time. We can do it, wanna be friends? I have 50 lbs to lose.
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    hooray for starting over!!!! there are many of us here who have done that. this time for me is different. I am tracking everything I eat as honestly as I can and not beating myself up when I go over. I have stopped the all or nothing thinking about food. This is a lifestyle change for me for the rest of my life and I swear I never thought of weight loss like that before.

    welcome back YOU CAN DO THIS
  • Lisabobisa13
    Lisabobisa13 Posts: 11 Member
    The best way to maintain weight loss in my opinion is through journaling your caloric intake. I gained some weight back when I stopped journaling because once again, I thought I was not overeating. The only way to prove to yourself that you are taking in too many calories is to keep track of what you eat. Journaling has to become part of your daily lifestyle, not just a temporary thing, like a diet.

    Next you should exercise at least 4 days a week, at least 60 minutes each time. And if walking is all you enjoy, then walk as fast as you can, and gradually increase the speed. Along with cardio, weight training is also highly recommended. Make journaling, cardio and weights part of your new lifestyle and your next weight loss change will be permanent!!!

    A great book that has helped me to change my eating habits is "Eat Right For Life" by Dr. Ann Kulze. She explains the science behind food and the reasons why our body craves donuts, fast food, chips, sodas, etc, etc.

    Good luck and don't give up!!! Keep trying!!!!
  • aidensmommy91612
    aidensmommy91612 Posts: 5 Member
    I was heaviest right before I got pregnant with my first son. It was like a switch. I could eat right. I always asked myself is this what he needs. I was more concerned for him than myself. I came home from the hospital weighing less than prepregnancy. I worked from there. I wanted another baby and I had to be healthy. I got pregnant and I was at my healthiest weight in a long time at six months. I had him and now I just teeter the same eight lbs up and down. I am still lower than before my first but have yet to reach my goal. I know I should want to be healthy for me and my kids but it isn't the same. I don't ask myself if it is what I need anymore. I'm trying hard to want to do this for me.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I was heaviest right before I got pregnant with my first son. It was like a switch. I could eat right. I always asked myself is this what he needs. I was more concerned for him than myself. I came home from the hospital weighing less than prepregnancy. I worked from there. I wanted another baby and I had to be healthy. I got pregnant and I was at my healthiest weight in a long time at six months. I had him and now I just teeter the same eight lbs up and down. I am still lower than before my first but have yet to reach my goal. I know I should want to be healthy for me and my kids but it isn't the same. I don't ask myself if it is what I need anymore. I'm trying hard to want to do this for me.

    How old are your children now? I've found that once mine started eating proper meals I've changed what I eat. I used to just eat salad to lose weight and stick to 1200 calories, which was fine when I just had my eldest, but I wouldn't dream of just giving my kids just salad, so I started to cook more. My eldest is nearly 6. My other two are 3 and 10 months.

    So now they have great eating habits and they just eat what we do. They know things like chocolate, cake, crisps etc is fine in moderation.

    When you have kids and you want them to grow up healthily and loving exercise, you need to lead by example.
  • SlimBride2Be2016
    SlimBride2Be2016 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm starting over again
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I could have written your post a couple years ago. I lost 30 pounds, gained 15 back, yo-yo'd for a while, and gave up (had two babies in that time frame, so it was a while). Happy to say that I recommitted, lost the 15 plus 35 more. About 10 pounds from goal now. I did it, and so can you! Recommit, take it a step at a time, and don't beat yourself up. Life happens, and sometimes our priorities get skewed. Start today, make some changes, and go from there.