Veggie help:)) I WANT to eat them!!!

lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
edited September 27 in Recipes

I am trying to step it up with the veggies. I WANT to eat more:smile:

The problem is - I don't know how to make them taste good without making them unhealthy. I'm not trying to make excuses but vegetables usually make me gag (not trying to be funny-I am serious). I was thinking about hiding them in my food, both for myself and my kids or juicing them. For example, chopping up more and putting them in speghetti or perhaps when I make a burger, figuring out a way to add them in the ingredients and doing it that way. I currently have been focused on getting 5 servings of fruits and veggies in a day. I have a pitiful way of doing this. I call myself achieving this goal by doing 3 fruits most days and then two veggies, which is usually a salad with lunch and dinner. I am sure that is not enough and doesn't equal full servings of veggies. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!!

Currently these are the veggies that are apart of my weekly diet. I could do way better....I know:))

Romaine lettuce ( pretty much once or twice per day)
Avocado ( not sure if this is a veggie)
garlic (cooked with mostly everything)
onions (cooked with mostly everything)
sweet potatoes (once per week)
corn (once per week)
Collards (Every now and then cooked in olive oil, garlic onions and a boullion cube (though I threw the cubes out)


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I usually steam my veggies and then add spray butter. The 'i cant believe its not butter' brand has 0 cals, fat, carbs, sodium & sugar =)
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    When I am sick of plain veggies, I cut up bell peppers (the red, orange or yellow, never the green) and dip them in Kraft Free Zesty Italian dressing. I also do that with baby carrots and cucumbers. The dressing has 15 cal/ 2 Tbsp and has no fat.

    Just so you know: avocados are a fruit. And they are rather high in fat, though it is a good fat.
  • Here is a website that might help you, It has all kinds of recipes. Enjoy :bigsmile:
  • debbiedawn
    debbiedawn Posts: 1
    I love steamed fresh broccoli w/just a little spray butter, roasted aspargus in the oven with a little olive oil/salt/pepper, also I sautee zucchini, carrots, onion, mushrooms, with a little bit of ginger for an asian side or my new favorite is taking a zucchini and slicing think the long way and put olive oil and greek seasoning and grill so it stays a little crispy.... mmmm, let me think of other things lately - lol just google healthy veggies sides and you should get lots of great ideas w/veggies you can enjoy! Hope that helps somewhat!
  • Scratchrat
    Scratchrat Posts: 3
    I make stir frys with low calorie stir fry sauces. They come in lots of flavours and the whole meal is less than 300 calories.
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    My favorite is to steam brocolli and cauliflower and add just a little salt when steaming. Also, you can steam just cauliflower to the point it is the consistency of mashed potatoes! My kids loved it. They didn't even realize it was a veggie : ) I just added a little butter for them. I also put fresh cut tomatoes in my spaghetti sauce.
  • sing1998
    sing1998 Posts: 38 Member
    try using some salad dressings over your veggies. can be hot or cold. i like to shred carrots and add them to spaghetti sauce. i also like them shredded with ranch dressing and rainsins added. have you tried soups? again, grated and added to soup makes for a less textured dish. the texture of the veggie is probably making you gag. don't worry about making them "healthy" at first. try to train yourself to eat them with boullion, dressing, a touch of butter or salt, then you can gradually improve them. the benefit of the fiber and antioxidants will outweigh the detriment of sodium or fat, at first. you could be a real wimp and buy baby foods! for a quick addition, just throw them into a meatloaf, burger, sauce, etc.
  • mtiger
    mtiger Posts: 3 Member
    U can always discuise veggies in a bolognese sauce or something like that.
  • smartin0619
    smartin0619 Posts: 36 Member
    I've also heard of people putting cauliflower in a blender and then mixing them in with their mash potatoes. I've never tried but heard you can't really taste them! Asparagus is great if you girll them or just put them in a pan with some olive oil and a little seasoning. (I use extra virgin olive oil)
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    You can always puree veggies to add to sauces. I have a friend that does that with someone who doesn't like onions (and they don't know its there since they don't add a lot). I put celery, bell pepper and onion in my spaghetti sauce so you could always try doing that.

    I love broccoli with just a little parmesan melted on top, asparagus in garlic and olive oil. Good Luck!

    You can also always go to and search for recipes with a certain veggie. They have a filter so you can filter just the Cooking Light recipes. Most of those are good and semi-healthy (although watch the fat, they can sometimes have more than you want).
  • Roe1968
    Roe1968 Posts: 133
    love veggies!!!! our supermarket has a huge selection.....once a week I buy asparagus, peppers, zucchini, eggplant, red onions, string beans, broccoli, cauliflower.....cut them up toss with EVOO, not a lot just enough to lightly coat veggies, salt, pepper, garlic powder and a pinch of paprika or cayenne pepper.... roast in the oven at 400 till tender and slightly golden.
    make a huge batch and save.....i can have it as a side with my protein at dinner, as a snack....or in the morning i add to my egg delicious...

    another great one to buy is a yellow spaghetti squash. cut in half with a really good knife. place cut side down in a shallow pan with water about 1" and bake in the oven @ 400 till when you squeeze the shell and its soft. remove and let cool. scrap out and discard seeds. then using a fork pull out the squash, it will look like yellow spaghetti strings, toss with EVOO, salt, pepper, parsley and garlic - OMG enough said
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I've also heard of people putting cauliflower in a blender and then mixing them in with their mash potatoes. I've never tried but heard you can't really taste them! Asparagus is great if you girll them or just put them in a pan with some olive oil and a little seasoning. (I use extra virgin olive oil)

    I LOVE mashed cauliflower. My boyfriend actually said he likes it just as good as mashed potatoes. You make it the same way you would potatoes. However, if anyone is unsure try it with a potato mixed in first. =)
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    You can grill some veggies - zucchini, peppers, eggplant, squash. I drizzle with olive oil and then roast onions, red peppers, butternut squash, and carrots in the oven at 410 for 40 min, stirring a few times. Then puree them and add it to tacos, soups, pasta sauce - basically anything I can. I have some recipes posted on my blog - - under sneaky veggies and skinny soups - lots of veggies in them. Mykids LOVE the tomato soup. I add chicken and pasta to it.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I have the same issue, but I've found that I can eat more veggies if I just do a few tricks. Any time I'm doing anything with ground meat or something like rice that's in small pieces, I mix in finely chopped carrot, onion, and/or baby spinach. So any hamburgers, meatloaf, lentil loaf, rice dishes, and sometimes even pasta dishes get some kind of veggie in them. Baby spinach is a really good one for that because as you heat it, it wilts, so it hides well. You can see it, but you can't taste it. I put it in scrambled eggs a LOT, and on sandwiches and wraps. Very good.

    You can also make smoothies. I like to make a smoothie with a stalk of celery, a big handful of baby spinach, and then some fruit (blueberries and strawberries work well) with a frozen banana and some milk.

    Try making veggies in different ways too. I've always loved broccoli just parboiled, but some people hate it that way. A few months ago I found a recipe for roasted broccoli with garlic, and it's seriously the best thing I've ever had. Roasted veggies are really good, and good for you as well. Just toss with a little olive oil, and then salt/pepper/other spices (cayenne goes well with carrots and potatoes; dill goes well with asparagus, carrots, potatoes, and green beans; garlic goes with almost everything) and roast until they get tender enough for you to tolerate them. I don't like them to crunch, so I roast them for a long time, but you might prefer them a little firmer.

    Hope that helps! Try some veggies that you've never had before, and look up an actual recipe for them. You might find that you enjoy veggies more than you realized. :)
  • fredd500
    fredd500 Posts: 106 Member
    Make up a healthy vegetable ratatouille using some canned chopped tomatoes, an onion, some mushrooms, a couple of different coloured diced peppers, a courgette (zucchini) and some chopped or crushed garlic. Boil it all down until the vegetables have softened and either serve it as a side dish or over some pasta.

    Or, why not add some peas and sauted onions to rice?

    Easy to get in the extra veg without it being pure veg if you know what I mean.

  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Sorry - I don't have any 'crafty' ways to hide the veggies - !!!

    I also love collard greens - you can cook all the other greens similarly (sautee w/ olive oil and garlic). You might want to try:
    Zucchini can also be cooked this way, as well as that yellow summer squash.

    Oh and I love green beans. You can cook them ahead and make a cold side salad to bring to work for lunch. You steam or blanche the string beans and the maybe add some cherry tomatoes, dill, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Add some almonds right before serving.

    Regarding making them taste good, but keeping it healthy - I guess I don't worry about olive oil so much. I def. measure it and it gets logged, but it is the 'good' kind of fat (at least that is what they are saying today :laugh: who knows about tomorrow).
    Depending on where you live, the produce will often taste better at some places than others. What I mean is that I try to get a lot of my produce at the Farmer's Market - sometimes there are good deals, and as you already know, things in season are naturally going to taste better. :wink: :smile:
  • sociable15
    sociable15 Posts: 98
    I have guardianship of a 2 1/2 year old so i've become an EXPERT at hiding veggies:
    - Green Smoothies: Favorite hot weather breakfast of mine and the kid's. Frozen mango, cup of vanilla yoghurt, 1 banana, and a handful of raw spinach. Throw it in a blender. Can't taste the spinach and it doesn't change the texture all that much (if you've got issues with textures like me).
    - I have been known to shred a carrot or two into spaghetti sauce.
    - I make a cauliflower mac and cheese that I got from runner's world.,7120,s6-242-303-504-13847-0,00.html. I use a whole cup of cheddar cheese instead because I think it tastes better and panko instead of breadcrumbs, which is going to change the calorie count but it's good. Whole family loves it.
    - Asparagus: roast fresh asparagus with salt, pepper, and olive oil. mmmm. also, sauteed with garlic and shrimp in olive oil and a little bit of hot sauce served over pasta (best is ziti type).

    Also, i got a CSA share (community supported agriculture) where I don't know what veggies I'm getting every week. It forces me to try new things (broccoli rabe last week mmmm).
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    juicing is a good start. i sometimes add kale to my strawberry and banana smoothie. it kinda makes an odd color but still tastes good. also i add chopped tomatos, bell pepper and onion to scrambled eggs. to canned spaghetti sauce i add some mushrooms, spinach, zuccini, bell pepper and onions. some sites classify tomatos and avacados as fruits. some say they are vegetables. use your own judgement. the important thing is to try to eat better and you are doing that. the gag thing is normal for some people. it's a texture thing. keep trying. add a new veggie to your diet once a week.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    I hate vegetables too. I buy broccoli stir fry bags from shop rite and add a little bit of olive oil, some salt and pepper, and they taste great as a side. They have no fat, barely any carbs and are vegetables, so it helps me a lot :)
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Soups are a great way to get many of your veg portions in one go. Try making your favourite vegetables the 'star' ingredient ie:

    Sweet potato soup- make the sweet potato the main ingredient, but also add onions, garlic, carrots & celery in smaller quanities with veg/chicken stock.

    Sweet potato and corn chowder- dice your sweet potato into small cubes and sautee with chopped onions, garlic & leeks. Top with veg stock, skim milk and corn. Simmer for 20 minutes and finish with low fat creme fraiche (Or other low fat 'cream' substitute).

    French onion soup- sooo easy. Sautee plenty of sliced brown onions on a low-medium heat until soft. Top with beef (or chicken) stock, Salt & Pepper, thyme, garlic, 2 bay leaf, and a pinch of sugar. Simmer for 20-30 mins and discard bay leaves.

    Or- a few tasty side dishes

    Roasted Butternut squash (If you like sweet potatoes, you will like butternut)- chopped into wedges and sprayed with 1 cal oil spray. Season with your fave spices.

    Cheesy Leeks (You will probably like Leeks if you like onions) Mix sauteed leeks with herby low fat cream cheese.

    Chargrilled chicory (Endive)- Cut these in half and BBQ/Grill (Broil) sprayed with oil spray. A nice, warm dish from a member of the lettuce family.

    Mashed Cauliflower- mixed with garlic. Yummy!!

    Disguising veggies- chop everything super fine and add things like bell peppers, carrots, celery, leeks, courgettes (zuchinni) to meals like meatloaf, burgers, lasagne, spaghetti sauce, shepherds pie, curries, mexican food.

    You can do it!!
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