50+ with 100+ Pounds to Loose

Hi I'm Teresa, my friends call my "T", I'm thrilled to get started on my journey to reach goals! I'm over 50 with the goal of weighing around 130 (over 100 pounds to loose to reach 130). I'm still setting up all the features of My Fitness Pal, entering measurements, starting to enter food, exercise etc. I set up a new group called 50+ with 100+ Pounds to loose for all of us who are over 50 years old with a lot of weigh to loose. We'll share our successes, struggles, and tips together ~ we can do it! Have a great day! T


  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat as you are and would like to join. Has anyone else joined, I can't find anything on the discussion board?
  • StonyBrookNana
    StonyBrookNana Posts: 14 Member
    I'd love to join you ladies, I'm 58 and I have 100 to lose. Seems like such an overwhelming number but sharing the journey sure helps. I lost weight much easier when I was younger. My goal is to get down on the floor with the grandkids without needing furniture to help me up.