Recommended workouts for mom of toddler

So I am a nanny for a toddler and bring my own toddler along. They dont always nap at the same time. I do try some baby dances with them but mostly do educational activities (books, colors, arts and crafts). Are there any recommendations for
ways to get in shape outside of work hours? Once it warms up, walking is my go to. When I do home videos, my toddler climbs and hangs on me in the various positions I put myself in. Any tips from moms would be extremely helpful.


  • TheEats
    TheEats Posts: 49 Member
    Are you a single parent? If not, claim some time for yourself from your partner. Also, exercise can be done after a toddler's bedtime (even though you are probably knackered by then, I get that - have a four year old and an autistic nine year old myself).
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    wake up before your toddler wakes up and do your videos. or stay awake after your toddler goes to bed, and do your workout. that's what i do.
  • kaym0502
    kaym0502 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh my, bless your heart, you have your hands full too. Thanks for the advice. I am married but he works full time in corporate america, travels a lot for work. and is going for his MBA. Crazy i know!

    When my two year old is sleeping is the best time. Any recommended videos to prevent from waking her up? I live in a one bedroom temporarily so no way to go downstairs.
  • midpath
    midpath Posts: 246 Member
    I am not technically a single parent but I basically am. My husband is a truck driver and is only home on weekends. My toddler also doesn't get the whole "mommy is exercising" thing lol so I do mine at night when she goes to bed. So I work out from 9-10 pm and I was worried that it wouldn't have the same effect but working out at night actually has some good benefits.
  • midpath
    midpath Posts: 246 Member
    I'd recommend anything Jillian Michaels (some jumping), tiffany rothe is easy to keep quiet with, and also I found this new person Jessica Smith I think? YouTube is awesome.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Wait until your child goes to sleep and do your workouts then
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. My husband works away and my 2 year old thinks that mummy exercising is playing time. I've started dancing along to the wiggles and high 5 and other kids music videos. He loves it. He watches and laughs and sometimes joins in. It's not as intense as jillian michaels but I'm still huffing and puffing and sweating at the end of an hour long dvd
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    Well if your toddler is anything like mine they will promptly sit on your head the minute you try and do any exercises while they are awake! This includes trying to stretch or do the foam roller. ;)

    I mostly run which I do 90% of without the kids and the other 10% with 1 or both of the kids in the jog stroller. I walk a lot too. Until it warms up try to get up beforehand and get and exercise video in or something along those lines?
  • kimberlydgarcia
    kimberlydgarcia Posts: 78 Member
    When my 2 youngest were toddlers I bought an expensive double stroller, my husband probably wanted to kill me! I used that thing to go everywhere! I got flat tires even. I was in such great shape, I'm sure it helped that I lived in the mountains. My kids are now preteens & my husband said that the stroller was worth double because I used it so much.
  • wejn
    wejn Posts: 7 Member
    Is joining gym out of the question? We live near a YMCA and I practically live there. Their price is great & I think they can give financial help if needed. Child care is included in membership & they will watch your child for 2 hours in the morning & at night if needed. I will do a class in the morning & then shower before I pick up kiddos. It is a beautiful escape and I'm a much happier mom when I get that break. Also mine offers a free date night once a month! Not all Y's offer so much but I thought I'd just throw that out there. I hope you find a routine that works for you. Good luck!
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    When my crazy toddler is awake I get him into my workout.
    Ill have him lay on the floor as I'm doing pushups and I'll blow a raspberry on his belly when I'm down.
    I'll hold him and jog in place.
    I'll have him sit on the floor and I'll pick him up and bring him behind my head for a tricep dip.
    I'll let him roam while I do the bear crawl circling him.
    And he loves when I do burpees right over him.

    You can get quite a workout.
  • barbiereynolds701
    barbiereynolds701 Posts: 98 Member
    Truckers wife here and he 8s only home about 5-7 days a month.

    It's a learning process for the kids and for you to get your workout in! After several 4 yr Olds now understands that it's mommy 10 month old however is another story.....i bench press him and then he happily goes on his way most of the time
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    Well I have a 4 year old. Part of the time I use him in my workout, such as having him sit on my shoulders while I do squats or lunges (which he loves), part of the time he does the exercise that I'm doing for as many reps as he is old, part of the time he is swinging on my hammock or doing skin the cat's on it, and when all else fails, I pick him up and set him out of the way and ignore him, even if I have to move him repeatedly.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have a 2 & 4 year old. A gym with childcare is priceless, esp if it's too cold to be outside. Try a YMCA as pp suggested. I've tried to do workouts at home but they climb on me too :)
  • netties1
    netties1 Posts: 1 Member
    midpath wrote: »
    I am not technically a single parent but I basically am. My husband is a truck driver and is only home on weekends. My toddler also doesn't get the whole "mommy is exercising" thing lol so I do mine at night when she goes to bed. So I work out from 9-10 pm and I was worried that it wouldn't have the same effect but working out at night actually has some good benefits.

    Same here!! My husband is a truck driver and I actually work out while my 7month old baby plays with his toys in front of me or I ACTUALLY put him in his baby carrier and dance while "wearing" him... He actually loves it because we listen to fun music on my pandora... I love doing step aerobics and dancing, that's my go-to:)
  • I do mine around my 1 yr old. My 7yr old does them with me. Then one day I was doing squats and my little man was in front of me holding on and doing them. A little later he didn't need to hang on no more. I am a proud mommy :smiley:
  • kaym0502
    kaym0502 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions. Glad to hear Im not alone as a jungle gym ☺️ I will look into the YMCA. I just moved to a new state so I am still learning what is available around me. You tube is a wonderful thing in the mean time!
  • lizek316
    lizek316 Posts: 76 Member
    Let your toddler run and chase him/her around. This is especially great when the weather is nice and you can be outside.
  • lizek316
    lizek316 Posts: 76 Member
    jessdunn40 wrote: »
    I do mine around my 1 yr old. My 7yr old does them with me. Then one day I was doing squats and my little man was in front of me holding on and doing them. A little later he didn't need to hang on no more. I am a proud mommy :smiley:

    So cute. :)
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    wake up before your toddler wakes up and do your videos. or stay awake after your toddler goes to bed, and do your workout. that's what i do.

    bwahaha!!! That would never work in my house! We have a two bedroom tiny house and me working out in the living room wakes the kids up EVERY TIME! I've tried to workout while the kids are still awake but like the OP they hang on me and I accidentally kicked my 3 year old in the face when he ran up to me when I was working out. And my husband is worthless at helping out with the kids so that's not an option. I use a mini-stair-stepper/twister thing while I watch TV and I do Tabata twice a week at the local community center where my kids play with other kids while I workout.