20 lbs!

Is it possible to lose 20 lbs in 43 days by not drastically reducing my calories and not having to work out more than an hour per day? I have a big event June 25 and I have a total of about 70 lbs to lose but I want my first 20 gone by the time I meet up with friends and family to celebrate my sister's new baby. Any advice please? I weigh 230 lbs, female 5'6" and plan to go to the gym 4x/week


  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    That's 3 lbs a week, it's a lot tbh but it's been done before.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    1 lbs of weight = 3500 calories so over a week you'd need around 10500 calories burnt over what you have taken in without putting your body in to starvation mode.

    Have you worked out your BMR in the tools section? At that weight and height I would guess it would be around 1890 cals per day so you need to do BMR+Exercise - Calorie intake = Calorie deficiency and you need a deficit of 1500 cals a day.

    MFP will only work it out for 2lbs a week because that is the healthy limit of weight loss.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Just be diligent with your exercise and eating, and lose the most you can! Any loss is a step in the right direction!
  • thebigboy
    thebigboy Posts: 8
    I lost 25 pounds in my first 6 weeks...it can be done!
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    Is it the number that matters or the look? You're going to LOOK like you've lost 20lbs+ if you're doing cardio & strength training 3-4x a week and you're following your MFP guidelines on calories. I've only lost 17lbs since March 28th - but I'm down three clothes sizes... do it healthy & right - you'll get the look even if not the number AND you'll be happier long term. But I'm within those 43 days - and 17lbs is pretty darn close to 20.
  • lincolnsmom
    lincolnsmom Posts: 3 Member
    hCG diet. I lost about 27lbs in 40 days! It has worked for many of my friends!!!
  • lincolnsmom
    lincolnsmom Posts: 3 Member
    hCG diet. I lost about 27lbs in 40 days! It has worked for many of my friends!!!
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    1 lbs of weight = 3500 calories so over a week you'd need around 10500 calories burnt over what you have taken in without putting your body in to starvation mode.

    Have you worked out your BMR in the tools section? At that weight and height I would guess it would be around 1890 cals per day so you need to do BMR+Exercise - Calorie intake = Calorie deficiency and you need a deficit of 1500 cals a day.

    MFP will only work it out for 2lbs a week because that is the healthy limit of weight loss.

    So you'd need a deficit of 500 a day on your MFP food diary. Because MFP already factored in 1000 of those calories for you. DON'T go into starvation mode - you won't like the outcome. Seen it with way too many friends in life.
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    No carbs and being really focused on getting your workouts in. Please don't be offended, but I've noticed that people who start out over 200 can lose a lot of weight the first month or two if they stick with their plan. Good luck!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Is it possible to lose 20 lbs in 43 days by not drastically reducing my calories and not having to work out more than an hour per day? I have a big event June 25 and I have a total of about 70 lbs to lose but I want my first 20 gone by the time I meet up with friends and family to celebrate my sister's new baby. Any advice please? I weigh 230 lbs, female 5'6" and plan to go to the gym 4x/week

    It is possible if you have well over 100lbs to lose. If you only have 20 lbs to lose you should aim for 0.5lbs/week maybe 1lb/week max at first until you get to the last 10 or 15 then 0.5/week.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It's possible you'll see some higher results if you're just starting out. But I wouldn't expect to maintain that high a weight loss. Some weeks, you won't lose anything at all. A healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. And it sounds like you want to do this the healthy way. Be sure to drink lots of water, even more than the 8 glass minimum if you're going to be exercising.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    maybe...maybe not. How dedicated are you? Personally I think it great that you have a goal! I would suggest 1) an hour of cardio per day - that can even mean walking for an hour just something to get your heart rate up. 2) weight train at least 3 times per week - Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones is a great one for at home. 3) Stay within your calories - if you go over try to only go over once a week 4) Watch your carb intake - carbs turn into sugar and excess turns into stored fat.

    Also, take your measurements so that if the scale isn't moving you are still seeing results. And a picture. Lastly, if you have lost anything by June 25th consider it a success! It's hard work and you deserve to feel good about even if it's not exactly 20 pounds. Good luck!
  • wannabskinny85
    OMG you all are so awesome thank you so much. I don't want to go into starvation mode and I have about 70 lbs to lose, I just want everyone to see a change when they see me that I am really trying so I guess the actual number does not matter. Thanks again!!
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    Be sure you are choosing healthy foods - real stuff - stay away from the fast food/processed foods. You CAN do this. Be good to yourself & take 1 day at a time.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Please everyone look at the total weight loss goal. It is only 20 lbs. If you only have 20 lbs to lose it should be very slow, as a large caloric deficit can cause you to burn muscle, instead of fat, for your body to use as fuel, and you may end up "skinny fat" and be weaker and have less energy. The only way 3 lbs is doable in a healthy manner is if you have 100+ lbs to lose.

  • wannabskinny85
    Please everyone look at the total weight loss goal. It is only 20 lbs. If you only have 20 lbs to lose it should be very slow, as a large caloric deficit can cause you to burn muscle, instead of fat, for your body to use as fuel, and you may end up "skinny fat" and be weaker and have less energy. The only way 3 lbs is doable in a healthy manner is if you have 100+ lbs to lose.


    20 lbs is my first goal. i broke it up in sections so it won't look as so much to lose. I have about 70-80 lbs to lose total. I gues I should have stated that in my post. Sorry about the confusion.
  • wannabskinny85
    maybe...maybe not. How dedicated are you? Personally I think it great that you have a goal! I would suggest 1) an hour of cardio per day - that can even mean walking for an hour just something to get your heart rate up. 2) weight train at least 3 times per week - Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones is a great one for at home. 3) Stay within your calories - if you go over try to only go over once a week 4) Watch your carb intake - carbs turn into sugar and excess turns into stored fat.

    Also, take your measurements so that if the scale isn't moving you are still seeing results. And a picture. Lastly, if you have lost anything by June 25th consider it a success! It's hard work and you deserve to feel good about even if it's not exactly 20 pounds. Good luck!

    Great advice thank you so much. I am trying to incorporate cardio and lifting weights but I don't want to be all buff I just want to be toned you know.