O lift Crossfit Eat

I'm looking for positive lady peeps to help me and help you get to goals and get past any blocks mental or physical.


  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    There is a crossfit group that you may find good :smile:
  • erikatunneyho
    erikatunneyho Posts: 14 Member
    On MyFitnessPal?
  • erikatunneyho
    erikatunneyho Posts: 14 Member
    I can do an unassisted wall hand stand. I'm on my way to walk I g hand stand.

    I've increased my bench press weight
    I've increased my shoulder press weight
    I've increased my kb swing weight

    I'm so happy to see tangible results of getting stronger it motivates me more than any scale, man or pants suze. I feel powerful. Thanks MyFitnessPal peeps