bybybelly Posts: 56
edited 7:49AM in Motivation and Support one of the Challenge! Have you set a GOAL as to what you want to lose by the 4th of JULY?!?!?

I have......I want to lose 12lbs. This morning I weighed in at 195.5 so my goal is to be 183.5 by the 4th!!!!

Let's do this....ARE YOU WITH ME?

Comment with ur weight and we will meet here each friday till July 4th (which is on a tuesday but we will go with it!)

Share a success/challenge of the past week to keep things interesting!

I am super excited~



  • I'm IN!!

    Today I weighed in at 207. I want to be at 190 by July 4th! That's 17 pounds!!
    My success AND challenge of tihs past week is that I've started week one of the C25K challenge. I actually RAN (okay, a slow jog) 3X this week!! This last time, it's really killing my calves, and I even spent extra time stretching out!!

    But I'm NOT giving UP!!
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm in!!! Peaked at the scale this morning and it was down another 0.8 pounds (hopefully that holds up to next Tuesday + some)... NSV for the week - my jeans weren't snug this morning!!!

    Current weight from last weigh-in 165.2, I want to be at 156 by July 4th... Of course I will be happy if it's less ;)
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    Im in. current weght is 174.4. I want to be at 160 by then. How do we check back in next friday? I am technically challenged.
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    I would really like to weight 178. Currently sitting at 192.6 with clothes on.....scale is in the kitchen...not the best place to be nakey! :bigsmile:

    I really need this for me!

  • luvsdisney
    luvsdisney Posts: 1 Member
    I will join! We are going to Disney in July - my current weight is 160 and I hope to lose 10lbs by July 4th.
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    I'm in!!

    171.2 I would love to be 160 or under by July 4!
  • 2chubby4now
    2chubby4now Posts: 93 Member
    Like to join you! Don't know how to check in. My current weight is 163 lbs. By July 1 my goal would be 151 lbs. I admit to having a mental block. I have never tried to lose that much weight before! This is my first time trying to change my weight. Kind of ignored it before. Needs to be done!
  • bybybelly
    bybybelly Posts: 56
    How do we check back in next friday?

    I am not sure either....hahaha. I was thinking I would do another post with our title "JULY 4TH SHRED"......anyone know what we should do. Use the same thread or do a new post each FRIDAY?


  • vixi76
    vixi76 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm in and I really hope I can do it! Today I weigh 153, and by July 4th, I'm aiming for 145, that's only about a pound a week, but it would really be great if I actually can make that happen!
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm currently at 211.6 I will be at 195 by July 4th (16.6 pounds). I have been doing round 2 of 30 Day Shred and I'm on Day 22. I also incorporated cardio this week at least 3 days. I will either start Ripped In 30 along with a new strength training workout I had created by a personal trainer friend of mine starting on or around May 25th and try to continue my 3 days of cardio.
  • fraises
    fraises Posts: 16
    Aaah summer is approaching so fast! I'm in. 3kilos seems like a reasonable goal though I wouldn't mind loosing more or a tiny bit less :)
    I started at 67kg, was 64 during my last weight in & will take this weeks official weight on Sunday. So that's roughly in lbs 148 > 141 > ? >> ultimate goal 123.5 (56kg)
  • jenni3001
    jenni3001 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm In!! I'm 147 and would like to weight 138 by July 4th.
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm in. Current weight today was 189. I would like to lose at least 10lbs by July 4th. I haven't been in the 170's in a very very very long time.
  • skramer13
    skramer13 Posts: 70 Member
    Currently at 184, would like to be at 175 by July 4. Let's do this! :D
  • annetten83
    annetten83 Posts: 20
    Im in also! Im currently 136.4 and would like to be at 127 by then.
  • murawskid
    murawskid Posts: 4
    Lets do it! I am 173 - would love to be 159 by july 4. Just trying to get over a bounce.... started last march at 198, got down to 167 sept last year, and stuck..... need kick started again!!!!

  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    I'm currently at 171. I'd like to be around 165 at least.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I'm currently at 206.2 and would like to be at 190 by July 4th. 16 lbs baby!

    I think you should post a new thread every week such as "Week 1: July 4 Shred".... just an idea.
  • How do we check back in next friday?

    I am not sure either....hahaha. I was thinking I would do another post with our title "JULY 4TH SHRED"......anyone know what we should do. Use the same thread or do a new post each FRIDAY?



    You could start a new thread and call it WEEK 2... JULY 4th SHRED. Then WEEK 3 etc. Or you could keep this one going for a couple of weeks and start a new one if this one gets too big. I don't think it really matters.
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