I need help with some sort of mental block.

Hey guys, I'm seeking some advice here.

I have always been interested in fitness/nutrition and I really know my stuff. I am not a "guru" but I am much more knowledgeable than the average joe. I know what to eat and how to train.

The problem is, only a few times have I actually put it all together. But truly, as short 10 months ago, I was in the best shape of my life. My eating was locked in, I took my training seriously, and I was feeling fantastic. I was cutting but I didn't feel burned out. I felt significantly more healthy and confident.

A number of things happened since then. I was forced to move home and I had to stop lifting weights due to a major neurological condition I've been dealing with.
Even so, I understand calories and I was still able to do cardio. But I just slowly threw in the towel. Overcome with depression and a lack of direction after being forced to move home, my eating has been out of control and my activity has fallen off the cliff. I've gained 23lbs since last May, when I was at my lowest and fittest weight of my adult life (205lbs at 6'4")
I just seem to be so all or nothing and once I fall into a routine I feel stuck. I'm stuck in this awful rut of eating fast food every day and laying around most of the time. I still get out to run every now and then, but my eating is completely out of control.

I know what to do! I even had all my meals logged from my last cut so I can look back and see exactly what I ate to make it happen.

Why then am I struggling so damn much to take the first step? I tell myself the night before I'm going to start fixing this. And then the next day I fail. Or I'll have a good day or two only to be followed by another week of even worse eating.

I know it sounds like I'm just lazy. But I'm not. I enjoy activity. I am just having a complete mental block as to how to reclaim my healthy lifestyle. I've been dealing with a lot of physical pain and depression, among other stressful things this past year. But those aren't excuses to eat excessive amounts of garbage.

Any advice? Has anyone else just felt like they are "All or Nothing" with their eating? Any insight would be helpful. I want to change.


  • janeyh_72
    janeyh_72 Posts: 11 Member
    I can totally relate. I'm a bit all or nothing. At the moment I have my eating under control but my motivation regarding exercise is non existent. I make the same deal with myself at night but then turn my alarm off in the morning. But I've just bought a spin bike and after knee surgery 4 weeks ago I'm ready to get back into my hill walks in the sunshine...wanna join me???
  • leannehoggdodd
    Me too - I've never had a weight issue as such - I definitely yoyo but only by 14 pounds of my ideal weight.
    - That was until October 2013 - I changed jobs from office (took my own healthy lunches) to field based work (bought sandwiches, crisps and other crap) and I also stopped going to the gym as I needed to study for work based exams.
    - Subsequently gained 28 pounds since then and am the biggest I have been in my entire life (159 pounds)
    - I'm getting married in September and I am desperate to get back to my normal 130-135 pounds.
    - I have been supposed to be starting this diet since January 1st but literally just got back into the swing this week but I still find myself hunting down sugary snacks!

    Add me as a pal and we can support each other x
  • leannehoggdodd
    P.s I also moved house and had some serious personal issues last year and it really does effect your well being and motivation - I think I must be a comfort eater thinking about it and it's just got out of control x
  • Felicity1986
    Felicity1986 Posts: 1 Member
    I can relate as well. I think we've all been there.
    The best thing you can do is just keep trying. Keep trying every day to get out of your rut....
    Sometimes I'll pull out an old health book and skim through it to remind me the importance of proper nutrition and exercise. Even though we know all of the stuff it talks about in the book it still helps to read it again.
    I've also tried getting back on track with stuff that excites me. Like when I used to keep a written food journal I would go out and buy a brand new journal and some new pens etc so I felt like I was starting fresh etc. I love journals and agendas so buying a new one motivated me to use it.

    What excites or motivates you? Maybe join a running group or a sports team......?
    Or try a new workout challenge and see it through till the end. Like "30 day whatever challenge" it's kind of fun to start a new challenge......but it's easy to get off track. So if you can find someone to do it with that may help

    Sometimes we need to change things up to get us back in the game. I started working out with a few co-workers after work every day (never done this before) and it's been great.
    We could all use a support team from time to time. Even though you've been successful before all on your own doesn't mean you will always be able to do it alone. I know because it's exactly what I'm going through.
    So anyways, having a few co-workers on the same path might also help. In the past we have also done the biggest loser type challenge at work. I find everyone struggles with health and weight loss etc so as soon as you put out the idea I bet you'll find so many people who are interested.

    Surround yourself with people who are leading a healthy lifestyle and making healthy choices. It's contagious.

    I hope this kind of helps. I feel your pain. We have all been there or are there right now. You will get out of your rut eventually!! Good luck!

  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    It doesn't sound to me like you are lazy, it sounds like you are clinically depressed. Have you thought of going to counseling and possibly taking anti-depressants? Not sure if that is possible with your neurological condition, but I would think counseling could help you regain the feeling of control over your life, at the very least.