Alcohol. Devil or Scapegoat?

So I've heard that alcohol is bad for the diet. However, I love a dark, stout beer from time to time; as in once or twice a week. Is this a no no or can I indulge from time to time? Is one type of alcohol worse than another?


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    So long as you log your calories the odd drink as you describe should not inhibit your weight loss.
  • 1JoshG
    1JoshG Posts: 120 Member
    If you are actively trying to lose weight I would say it is a hindrance. However, one or two a week is a small thing. I, personally, can't have just one and have given alcohol up because of it while I'm trying to lose. Feel free to add me, I enjoy talking to people!
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    One pint of Guinness won't do you in, no, just count it. That sort of thing's a good choice imo, it's not that many calories and you can nurse it all night.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    So I've heard that alcohol is bad for the diet. However, I love a dark, stout beer from time to time; as in once or twice a week. Is this a no no or can I indulge from time to time? Is one type of alcohol worse than another?

    It's a lot of calories and while alcohol is in your system you can't metabolize anything else...your body metabolizes the alcohol first and shuts everything else down.

    I drink pretty regularly when in maintenance and cut way back when I'm cutting, but I still drink. When I'm cutting I generally stick to sprits straight up or with a diet mixer and wine as they are lower in calories...a good beer can easily be 200+ calories.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    When I was really rolling on weight loss I didn't want to waste my calories on beer, I wanted food more. Also, alcohol reduces inhibitions so you are much more likely to cheat when you drink. But, once in a while is ok, just plan ahead.
  • overflow277
    overflow277 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all for your great responses! I think I may cut back even more
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I've drank beer all along and never had an issue. Just watch the ABV. The higher it is the higher the calories. When you log the beer, make sure if it's not in the database, to log it by it's alcohol %.
  • mamichula1173
    mamichula1173 Posts: 25 Member
    I budget in my 16oz every few days. If I give it up completely I have found that I crave it more, thereby binging eventually. I would rather have a big salad for lunch and hoard my calories for a good, non-light beer. I savor it nowadays instead of drinking it fast.
  • mamichula1173
    mamichula1173 Posts: 25 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I budget in my 16oz every few days. If I give it up completely I have found that I crave it more, thereby binging eventually. I would rather have a big salad for lunch and hoard my calories for a good, non-light beer. I savor it nowadays instead of drinking it fast.

    I find it amusing that your AVI is bottles of Absolute.

    Ha, yes, maybe I like to drink more than just beer. It was such a pretty picture, though. ;)

  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I drank a 12 oz. Dogfish Head the other day for 540 calories. Best beer ever. Whiskey has fewer calories per serving.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Alcohol. Devil or Scapegoat?
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've had no problem indulging in wine or beer while losing weight. Just try to ensure you get in the key nutrients first (e.g., protein) and stay within your calorie count. :)

    As tincan points out, harder drinks tend to have fewer calories. You'll go over your calories fastest on cocktails with sugary mixers, and slowest on wine or martinis or shots.
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    just plan it into your calorie budget and no big deal. cheers!
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member

    I choose not to drink because like another poster said, it lowers your inhibitions and RIP that day's deficit. Even if my hunger would be ignorable on a regular night, two light beers in and I'm in the kitchen making a massive plate of nachos.
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    I think it really depends on your goals. If you're trying to lose weight, the extra calories don't necessarily help, but it's like any splurge in that it can also keep you sane when you're cutting back.

    My biggest personal concern isn't necessarily the calories but how it will affect my performance in the gym and over the course of the day.
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    I've had no problem indulging in wine or beer while losing weight. Just try to ensure you get in the key nutrients first (e.g., protein) and stay within your calorie count. :)

    As tincan points out, harder drinks tend to have fewer calories. You'll go over your calories fastest on cocktails with sugary mixers, and slowest on wine or martinis or shots.

    You've never been around me and my friends while taking shots. They tend to go down quickly. Haha.
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    edited March 2015
    I used to factor in a pint of Guinness or two every night when losing (2lb per week).

    No harm in it if you don't go mad imho..
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    edited March 2015
    alcohol among friends is a ok- in my book......alcohol at home in front of a not....that's my take on it. i support 2 beers per day for men.....1 per day for women.....

    brb. Norman's Raw Bar, 25 cent beer tonight! lol. i'll be tipping some cups!

    btw. look up 'the drunk diet' - some of the stuff is off the wall, but there is also some good points made.

    i have learned to like the 'vodka soda' which is essentially a shot of vodka, and soda water :) when i'm at the pub, and don't wanna look like the 'one man out' not drinking, this is what i'll go for.....and it is delicious.
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    I quit alcohol last May .. I use my cals for loss rate is the same as when I drank alcohol (I am just less bipolar -y lol)... so yeah. Enjoy it in your count :D
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    OK, so two dark beers at a total of 350 calories, that is 1-3% of your weekly caloric allowance. Factor it in if you like to have the occasional brew! Seems like a nit at your rate of consumption :)

    Disclaimer: beer was one of the things I cut out of my own plan, but it wasn't just a couple a week. It was one a night with dinner and a 1-2 with dinner on the weekend nights. That did add up to quite a bit, so it was easy to cut it out and replace with diet soda or water. That let me eat more solid food. That said, I do put some bourbon in the soda occasionally, but even then the calories are a lot lower than beers.