Anybody working for BIG loss?

Anybody else like me? I got up to 430lbs. I am in a non-surgical weight reduction program through a hospital. It will attack my situation from multiple angles. I've had 10 good days with food. Exercise will be added this week. Not sure what they have planned as I can't do much. I am 55 years old & doing this for health, not vanity. I am past the point of being vain.


  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    I'm aiming to lose over 115lbs. Good luck with your journey. There are some great people around that can offer you loads of support and advice. Add me if you like. Xx
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    I started out wanting to lose 95 lbs, and I still have about 70 to go. I started off like a shot, and then my conviction wavered. I am slowly jumping back into the game! In fact today is my first day back in the logging game. MFP does work, as long as you do the work! Good luck with adding in exercise, every step counts!!! You may be surprised at how far/hard you push yourself in the exercise dept., but start off as slow as you need to and build up to it and your more likely to stick with it!
  • NicholeChristina
    NicholeChristina Posts: 10
    edited March 2015
    I have lost aprox 130 lbs so far ...have about 30 more to go :) YOU CAN DO IT !!! The best advice I can give is to recognize and stop all or nothing thinking ! ( like well I screwed that day up might as well just go full out to make it worth it before you start over -yet again ). Use 80/20 rule ...80 percent healthy choices 20 not so healthy. And not be hard on yourself !!