The Unified Geek Motivation Thread!

I noticed that there is a girl geek thread that a lot of guys crashed so I thought I would start a new thread so us geeks can easily find one another. This way we can motivate and support each other as unified geeks!

Just let us know what geek flag you fly!

I'm a Sci-Fi, Comic and Video Game loving geek.


  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Me, me, me! :laugh:

    Videogames (me an' Ezio...we're one hot team!), medieval history, board games, SciFi, Sci (!), LRP, TTRPG. :bigsmile:
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    I'm a LARPing geek! I also love fantasy novels and movies, but I don't know if I totally qualify as a "geek" for those things... I'm kind of a closet geek. xD
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    LARPing I think pretty much ensures you are. I'm a geek, not sure if I'd take the time to classify it myself though :P I've only played a few RPGs, but some of my friends used to be big into D&D and D20 and of them once said they tried to think of working out as improving their stats...although I don't remember how well they stuck with I think there was an XKCD comic about that
  • katrina1122
    katrina1122 Posts: 23
    My husband and I own a game and hobby store. He's much more geek than I am, lol, but i'm super into board games....ticket to ride, dominion, 7 wonders, carcasonne, etc.
  • ajostraat
    ajostraat Posts: 101
    I'm in!

    LARP, Fantasy/SciFi, Gammer (video, tabletop, and RPG).

    Feel free to friend me too. :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm a tech journo, so I get paid to be a geek! The field I'm in people I talk to tend to think I'm a spy when I tell them what I'm writing about!

    I like videogames and "real" games (board, card etc.), sci-fi, fantasy and all that good stuff.

    Does the following phrase give you goosebumps?

    This week's Doctor Who is penned by Neil Gaiman.

    It does me!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Hmm, well I have somewhat diversified geek tastes... I started off with an interest in fantasy and sci-fi books. I was very into Next Generation during it's original run. In college I went through a bit of an Anime phase. These days I'm mostly into WoW, my weekly D&D group, and the very occasional Con.

    Oh, would SCA count toward geekery?

    Great to see there are lots of us here working to combat the stereotypical images. :happy:
  • frompster
    frompster Posts: 27 Member
    What what... =)

    Sci-fi, video game (old school... Final Fantasy), Roller Derby, technology, etc..

    I have a geek husband and geek kids in the making =)
  • Jesseocc
    Jesseocc Posts: 12 Member
    Hello geeks,

    Im more of a pc gamer, Tv/cinema geek, I dont do W.O.W. tho. And my favorite shows always get canceled...meh. Please feel free to add me, im on here a couple times a day, I use the app alot. Fight the good fight!
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    I grew up geek and still proudly a geek...first of all my dad is a comic book artist .... drew conan, wolverine, batman, lobo geek is in my blood. I love Star Wars & LOTR ..i used LARP years ago and was in the Gamers Club in college ...nowadays i love Ghosthunters on SciFi and I am a news junkie nerd.
  • troythegeek
    troythegeek Posts: 47
    I grew up geek and still proudly a geek...first of all my dad is a comic book artist .... drew conan, wolverine, batman, lobo geek is in my blood. I love Star Wars & LOTR ..i used LARP years ago and was in the Gamers Club in college ...nowadays i love Ghosthunters on SciFi and I am a news junkie nerd.

    You can't just drop an awesome bombshell like that and not tell us who he is!
  • troythegeek
    troythegeek Posts: 47

    Does the following phrase give you goosebumps?

    This week's Doctor Who is penned by Neil Gaiman.

    It does me!

    It most certainly does!
  • troythegeek
    troythegeek Posts: 47
    Me, me, me! :laugh:

    Videogames (me an' Ezio...we're one hot team!), medieval history, board games, SciFi, Sci (!), LRP, TTRPG. :bigsmile:

    Ezio! I love the AC games. There are so many possibilities for them. I really would like to see them move along to other time periods. Can you just imagine a Samurai AC game?
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Video Games- I play WoW, played FFXI, and play a few console games when I've got time

    SCA- I dress up in ridiculous clothes and play drinking games on some weekends
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Does the following phrase give you goosebumps?

    This week's Doctor Who is penned by Neil Gaiman.
    That just made me very happy. Lol.
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    sci-fi and video game geek, looking forward to tomorrow's Dr Who :bigsmile:
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    Star War, D&D, gaming (PC), LOTR, and tall and dorky to boot. I proudly fly my geek/nerd flag. :tongue:

  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Me, me, me! :laugh:

    Videogames (me an' Ezio...we're one hot team!), medieval history, board games, SciFi, Sci (!), LRP, TTRPG. :bigsmile:

    Ezio! I love the AC games. There are so many possibilities for them. I really would like to see them move along to other time periods. Can you just imagine a Samurai AC game?

    Dunno - it might be a glorified Tenchu Z (or 13 Assassins)! Could be fun though! I'd like to see Victorian London, with a new spin on Jack the Ripper (Abstergo agent/Templar/ rogue Assassin kind of thing!) Am looking forward to Constantinople.

    Oh, and new FNV DLC coming soon! Mojave Wasteland, here I come....again!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Checking in! Loyal Renaissance Festival attendee since the mid-80's. Gamer since my brother got a Magnavox Odyssey many, many moons ago. MMO'er since 1999. Married a scientist. Indoctrinating our kidlet to the one true way: Geekery.

    *waves to all the nerds, geeks and dorks*
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    I grew up geek and still proudly a geek...first of all my dad is a comic book artist .... drew conan, wolverine, batman, lobo geek is in my blood. I love Star Wars & LOTR ..i used LARP years ago and was in the Gamers Club in college ...nowadays i love Ghosthunters on SciFi and I am a news junkie nerd.

    You can't just drop an awesome bombshell like that and not tell us who he is! ....there you go :wink: