When did you find success with trouble areas?

BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
Hi Everyone!

We all know that a healthy weight is a range, and that the number on the scale is not indicative of how happy we are with where we are at. We also all have trouble spots! Mine are definitely my thighs and hips, and although I am in a healthy weight now, my ultimate success will not be the number on the scale, but when I am happy with my body composition.

So my question is, what are/were your trouble spots and at what weight/BMI did you feel like you conquered them?


  • DeAnna_DMBFan
    DeAnna_DMBFan Posts: 14 Member
    Belly, hands down. I have a target number of inches I want that to be. I actually obsess over that a lot, so even though the pounds are going down, I get concerned when that part stalls.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    Upper thighs - smoothed down when I was at a BMI of 19.5. But body composition doesn't have anything to do with weight (had a way to go as far as that's concerned even at that number).

    Well it does have something to do with it, but not a lot.
  • amehime
    amehime Posts: 49 Member
    Bump! I would love to know what your trouble spots are and how you got them down. Belly and hips for me, and they are stubborn as hell. I'm doing circuits (with weights and body weight) and cardio right now and I can't wait to see progress!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I got results when I really cleaned up my eating and really pushed hard in the gym. Nothing fancy or magical about that.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I got results when I really cleaned up my eating and really pushed hard in the gym. Nothing fancy or magical about that.

    Sorry - it was not my intention to imply that anything was magical. It's well known that you can't spot reduce, take magic weight loss pills, etc. I was just asking because people see different things at different BMIs and go about reaching their goals in different ways. :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    My trouble spots were stomach and thighs. I continued to eat at a slight deficit and lift weights for it to come off. I'm not sure what my BMI was when I reached my happy point, but my current BMI is in the overweight category.

    BMI is a poor indicator of how a body will look because it doesn't take into account body composition, which is the TOP factor in how you look.
  • happygalah
    happygalah Posts: 343 Member
    Belly is my trouble spot as it gets smaller the slowest. I imagine I'll be very pleased with a BMI in the normal range.
  • baileysellick
    baileysellick Posts: 6 Member
    My stomach is my hardest part to lose weight! :)
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