Hi i'm new and need friends :)

Shanzstar Posts: 197
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, I just started fitness pal. I joined because i need a support group. I'm a 34yr old mother of 2 and a wife. I had gained a lot of weight after my babies were born. The last few years i have gone down from a size 16 to a size 10. I have 20lbs or so to take off or where I feel I am at a comfortable healthy size for me. I keep losing and regaining the same pounds over and over again...
In the last few years, my best friend and I were each others support. She finally lost 100lbs. I am so happy for her and she looks amazing! I tell her this a lot. However, things changed after she lost the weight. She would make comments like these pants are too big on me. I guess i can give them to you now. The good thing about my weight loss is you wont be able to borrow my clothes. or I went shopping for jeans at old navy and I wont tell you the size... She never gave me any credit for how far I have come and I always thought i was just going to be a "big" girl now. Further, she just seems bored when I need someone to talk to about exercise, and eating habits. I was always happy for her and still am. I know I can get to where i need to be but its nice to share your trials and tribulations with others. I need people to say quit making excuses and get on it! Or you're doing great dont stop. :) I can use your support. tyvm :) In turn, I'm a great person to have for support.


  • Hi hun,i know the feeling of not getting the support you want but mine was more family!!I have lost all my weight and have maintained for over a year but recently (after a holiday) have put a bit back on so am in process of losing about 10lb again.I find it harder when you got less to lose....anyway add me and we can support each other!!
  • kseltzer
    kseltzer Posts: 214 Member
    Feel free to add me! We can support each other!
  • mbrownks77
    mbrownks77 Posts: 137
    Feel free to add me! I will do whatever I can to help support you. This is an awesome sight with tons of great ideas. Hope you enjoy it and make many POSITIVE friendships. Negativity is never good, especially from people you love....
  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
    You just read me my most of my story. I'm sorry she turn out like that. A friend is suppose to support through thick and thin. Dang it. I'll help motivate and support. I'm on the same journey. It's a really hard journey an no one should do it alone. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Hi and Welcome! You should feel very proud of your accomplishments so far!
  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    Welcome to the site feel free to add me as friends, I know how you feel except it was my sis. She has always been much smaller then me. Then after she became preg she would make the comments Hey can i borrow your shorts my bellys getting to big for mine.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Feel free to ad me!!! Thats what this site is all about! Good luck!!!
  • MelsDiet
    MelsDiet Posts: 69
    Hello, Im also new and need friends :-) This is my 1st ever post so bare with me!
    I'm 25 and also a mum of 2, my boys were born in 2006 & 2009 and since having them Ive gained a stone or so which I'd like to shift. Ive tried dieting before but Ive always failed as I find it hard not to snack! Also I seem to have a slight addiction to chocolate that Im trying to crack.
    You've done so well for dropping the weight you have, I take my hat off to you! Ive been useless - my youngest will be 2 in November and Im still the weight I was when he was born.
    Look forward to hearing from you
  • jpratt1980
    jpratt1980 Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me......sorry about your friend, maybe you should tell her how you feel and tell her how she is not being very supportive of you. If you need some support....I can help and hope you can help me too.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I feel you girl. I have a very good friend who has been on the weight loss journey with me. I am always giving her positive feedback and support, but when I lose weight or hit one of my goals, I get nothing. It was very hurtful at first, but I realize that she is jealous and insecure and just can't provide the support that I need or want, which is why I love MFP. I only personally know two of my MFP friends. The rest I've just met the way you are doing -- by asking. Those that I don't know have been the most supportive. These people who are my MFP friends have been nothing short of wonderful. Always encouraging and supportive and may even give you me a kick in the bum when I need it. My success so far has been due, in a large part, to my MFP friends.

    Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • That's crappy! I had a friend like that too. After 2 years of cutting her out of my life she wrote me this long letter saying she was sorry, and she said all the things she knew would hurt my feelings because she was jealous of my life. Forget everything she said. Today is a new day and you are doing the right things. You will love it here. Everyone is so nice. Add me if you want!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I will add you for extra support/encouragement.
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    Feel free to add me...
    We can motivate and support each other.......
  • spr_chkn
    spr_chkn Posts: 48
    You can add me. That's why I'm here: to support and be supported :flowerforyou:
  • rjkeddy
    rjkeddy Posts: 2
    Feel free to add me. I completely understand. At least you can shop at the Old Navy. I usually leave that store crying because nothing fits. They might have my size but the cut is all wrong.
    You'll find lots of support her. One of the things that scares me about wieght loss is that I see so many people loosing weight and turning into a different person mental and emotionally. It's sad. I hope I get to keep my fun luving, carefree personallity.
    Good luck on your joruney!!
    Becca :wink:
  • congresta77
    congresta77 Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry to hear that your friend isn't being supportive. If you were there for her journey she should be there for yours too!! I will send you an add and I will encourage you as much as I can!! Having friends who are there for you is a huge help!! Hope I can do that for you ;-P Jami
  • Hey there,

    that really sucks that she hasn't been supporting you. I am new to this site and am in need of Friends for support so go ahead and add me-we can all encourage eachother.

    The best of luck with it all, you will reach your goals and will feel AMAZING for it. Go for it!!!!!

  • dbkj1964
    dbkj1964 Posts: 2
    I can completely relate to your situation. I am there now. I would love to be your friend because I too could use the support. :smile:
  • Don't let your friend get you down cause you have just found the place to get all of the support and motivation you can handle.
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Hi there,
    Will be adding you as soon as I finish typing this!
    Well done for losing so much weight, every one here will support you and help you stay on track through the next part of your journey!
    Sometimes friendships can become toxic. What sad is that she clearly doesnt know what she has in a friend like you and it sounds like she has issues she needs to deal with.

    For me, my friends are all bigger than me and spend their lives telling me I am too skinny , when i am within a healthy weight range and just want to lose the 7lbs that have crept on since losing my post baby weight! i find it really hurtful. i would never dream of telling my friends they are too fat, but they are allowed free rein to comment on my size! grrrrrrr!
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