Don't know what I'm doing wrong

I used to be a huge gym buff and was really in shape, but then college happened and well..50 pounds later here I am.

For the past three weeks I have been consuming lots of water, eating nothing but fruits, veggies, and lean meat in small portions throughout the day and have been walking/running at least 4 miles daily, and have not lost a SINGLE pound. In fact, I have gained 2 pounds. I really don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I haven't eaten any junk food, bread, dairy, or anything containing sugar. I drink lots of water and sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Can someone clue me in? It would be greatly appreciated.


  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    It is possible you are eating more calories than you burn. It really is all about the calories for weight loss. (All the other stuff, like what you're eating and when, is more about health, sustainability, enjoyment, etc.)

    So you could eat *entirely* junk food and lose weight if you were at the right calorie target. And you could eat totally "healthy" food and gain weight if you're over that target.

    But if the exercise is new, it's also possible you're retaining water. It's not unusual to gain several pounds of weight when we start working out. I'm not sure if it is as common with running, but I do know that a new runner would be working on a lot of leg strength.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Sounds like your "small portions" aren't measured very accurately. You can certainly go over your calories eating healthy food.
  • minelix07
    Make sure to get your thyroid checked and other medical things that could be keeping you from loosing weight. Also, you should measure your food because if you eat too little your body will go into starvation mode.
  • Woodspoon
    Woodspoon Posts: 223 Member
    Could well be water weight, if you're drinking lots and lots
  • MattMMorrissey
    MattMMorrissey Posts: 14 Member
    Most fruits equals sugar and carbs. I have to time my fruit within a half hour of working out, usually before so I can get the energy to work out. I lost some initial weight when I started and then gained five pound almost over night. I figured out I was eating too few calories and my body was shutting down. I upped my calories, but stayed below my BMR and started to drop the weight.

    I also found when I added dead lifts to my workout my weight didn't change for a week and then all of the sudden I dropped 2 pounds. I figured it must be from the new muscles getting worked and the water retention they needed for the recovery.

    I was 222 in January and now I am 195lbs I have been doing a lot of cardio and been watching my sugar timing. Keep at it and you will see changes.