Im back and ready to rock this!!

AshleySDJ Posts: 63 Member
Well I used MFP all last year and lost a decent amount of weight, I lost close to 50 pounds!! I went M.I.A for a little bit, was dealing with a lot of stress, and moving and things.. My husband is in the Army and we live in Washington state at Fort Lewis. He recently just got back from deployment in December, and unfortunately is being sent somewhere else for about 8 months.. just looking for friends who are willing to support and be supported as we embark on this journey all the same!! Feel free to add me and lets become MFP friends and help eachother make our goals happen!! :)


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Welcome back, you've got this!
  • LJeffersSW
    LJeffersSW Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2015
    Feel free to add!! I'm
    Trying to get back on track too!
  • jamimvance
    today is my first day.... please tell me this works!
  • AmAnDuh77
    AmAnDuh77 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me...MFP works, 50 lbs later I can attest! brother and sister n law are stationed at Ft Lewis! She is leaving April 7th for her 3rd deployment