hello everyone!

My name is Amy and im 22 years old. I have a 2 yr old and a 3 month old. ever since i got pregnant with my 2 yr old i have gained close to 60 lbs. just about everday, as long as the kids allow me, i do approx. 30 of a hard workout...treadmill,elliptical, and a variety of weights. i have been working out and watching what i eat for almost 2 months now and havent lost any weight. i could really use some help, advice, support, and whatever else you can offer because its just me and im struggling doing this on my own! thanks everyone!


  • hairspray74
    hairspray74 Posts: 93
    If I can do it so can you! I lost 35 lbs so far and still have atleast 25 to go! you or anyone can can add me! the more friends you got the more motivation, inspiration, and support you'll have!!!
  • yoli1969
    yoli1969 Posts: 1
  • alng
    alng Posts: 1 Member
    Keep your sugar and carb intake down. Especially the sugar. I noticed the same and found out that weight loss seems to come in stages. Keep up with what you are doing and one day at your surprise you will see a sudden drop in weight. I've also heard that weight training programs actually may add weight. That is good muscle weight. Have patience and keep it up, you will do fine
  • twaddn
    twaddn Posts: 2
    Please do not rush into weight lose so early after your recent delivery. Are you nursing ( and I hope you are ) ? If your are nursing you should be eating and drinking more calories. You will not produce the milk your baby needs if you are losing weight. Bottom line : eat the calories ( healthy Calories ) and keep your fluids up ( water and skim milk ) and exercise in moderation. Your body is still in " pregnancy state " and it will take a few more months until mother nature and your body tell you otherwise. Relax and enjoy your precious family , the weight will come off when it is time. In the mean time talk to your OB and see if you have Gestation diabetes or if you have an elevated B/P. Hope this helps....
  • haidenrylan2
    Thank you everyone for the replies. And no im not breastfeeding...i tried with my first child and dried up after two weeks and this time i didnt produce any at all. my ob actually recommended that i excersize since i am extremely overweight! i have changed my diet and i have been eating much healthier along with my daily workout so maybe as i stick to it...lbs will shred! thanks again for the help!