Little time, big results! :)

NewMeAB2015 Posts: 24 Member
A few years ago i lost about 20lbs in one month, but nowadays i cant seem to even lose 2lbs in a week without trying my all. My question is you has had big weight loss success in little time and how?


  • NewMeAB2015
    NewMeAB2015 Posts: 24 Member
    I meant who has had big weight loss success*
  • NewMeAB2015
    NewMeAB2015 Posts: 24 Member
    I would like to see before n afters :)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    1lb a week is normal and safe.
    The big losses tend to happen right at the beginning but taper off. And the fewer pounds you have to lose, the slower it goes.
  • rednightowlz
    rednightowlz Posts: 4 Member
    I gained about 35 lbs from my pregnancy. lost 20 from water weight and I got stuck at 185 for about 6 months because I stopped doing T25, even though I walked for 7 hours doing security patrols I had a poor diet which held on the muffin top.

    I started doing T25 again this year. I try and do it 3-5 times a week. I've dropped about 13lbs since this year started :)I'm at 172 now. I'm trying to lose the baby fat and my freshman 20 lol xD. Since about a year ago, I've lost 7 pants sizes. I honestly would just be comfortable to be in size 10s again, 2 more sizes to go!.

    The key to weight loss is high intensity intervals, and with T25 you get a bit of everything. I also try and walk on my breaks at work. Every step and move counts :)

    Oh and the BIGGEST thing I noticed, I can eat pretty poorly so long as I avoid soda and still no weight gain. Not to say that you can eat junk everyday and you wont gain anything, but soda was my biggest fat source. I think that's where all the extra weight came from because I didn't drink any soda my last two years in high school. College life made it too easy to have it on the go with crap food.
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