Looking for new MFP friends!

Hello! I am looking for new, supportive friends for MFP! I would like to find people who have goals similar to mine. I'm a 25-year-old female with about 50 pounds to lose. I'm 5'7" and fairly active throughout the day since I'm a teacher, but I have a hard time getting motivated to actually go work out. I'm also working on eating properly and not having "cheat days" where I blow the whole day away instead of just having a treat here and there. If this sounds similar to you, add me!


  • andyphin
    andyphin Posts: 38 Member
    edited March 2015
    I fight a similar urge to stray a little without going off the rails for days at a time. I have about 30 pounds to lose and it is going really slow, about one pound per week.
  • Spartanxi
    Spartanxi Posts: 46 Member
    Male 21 ,Lost 55 lbs already , Just need to shed the last 35 pounds
    Then ill reach my goal BMI of 24
    Doing Keto diet throughout my journey
  • laurahickman14
    laurahickman14 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey, im looking for friends to help keep me motivated with positive encouragement- all friend requests accepted! And motivation shared back too ☺️
  • Keto_For_Life
    Keto_For_Life Posts: 6 Member
    Add me Keto_for_life
  • Hey add kikikiki11 ... I need all the support and motivation I can get!
  • CThomure8173
    CThomure8173 Posts: 9 Member
    Recently join the "Community" of
    MyFitnessPal, so looking for friends to help me to keep motivated and I will do the same!
  • ShanitaMarie85
    ShanitaMarie85 Posts: 44 Member
    Add me my food diary is open!
  • twichele
    twichele Posts: 8 Member
    I need all the extra motivation to get up from my desk @ work, and actually take a break and move. Turning 30 in the next couple months and have a good 50 to 60 to lose...terrified of what turning 30 may do. Bad part is I have put on 20 in the psst year after switching jobs..yuck
  • kateymorse
    kateymorse Posts: 10 Member
    edited March 2015
    Looking for support too. Sent a friend request!
  • nic_ci
    nic_ci Posts: 110 Member
    I'm 12 years older than you but I am also 5'7...I have about 50 pounds to lose...and I'm also a teacher...after I get off work I have no motivation to work out...maybe we could motivate each other...feel free to add me!
  • Please feel free to add me as well. Could use the motivation.
  • jadowns
    jadowns Posts: 167 Member
    <3 Anyone can add me. I have an open diary and post weird stuff sometimes. haha
  • Razzlebc
    Razzlebc Posts: 3
    Hi please free to add me also looking for motivation and support, have just over a stone to lose
  • QueenCat135
    QueenCat135 Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi. Feel free to add me. I feel your pain with the cheat days. I am like that every time the weather changes and the pressure bothers my arthritis. I too need to lose 50 lbs. but mine is so I can have surgery to get new knees. I used to be very active but having the knees go so far south the doctors are amazed I walk as well as I do kinda slowed me down a little. Now I'm looking for all the support I can get.
    I am a chocoholic so I started buying the peanut m&ms fun packs. I only allow myself one fun pack a day. I try to save it for the evening when I want a taste of chocolate but then I usually forget to eat it. I fine it easier not to overindulge that way. Good luck