Gaining weight while battling illness?

hdkerr004 Posts: 5 Member
I have an illness that affects the brain and spine so I'm inactive as well as constantly losing weight. I recently lost 16 lbs in 3 months. It's very hard for me to gain weight. Does anyone have any tips? I've always have been small framed but after I became ill, it's impossible to get above 110 pounds so I'm aiming for 110 from 90


  • JiveDoc
    JiveDoc Posts: 284 Member
    I'm in the same boat, having lost weight with a rough illness. I always recommend Ensure or Boost Plus as easy (if not the most palatable) options to supplement your diet, as sometimes the solid food can be difficult when you're just feeling awful. Pro Bars have 370 cals and are the size of the palm of your hand. Avocados, peanut/other nut butters, coconut oil/butter, ice cream, full-fat dairy...eating as frequently as you can (I eat like five times a day or whenever I feel room in my stomach, or sometimes when I don't...just have to push through). Do you have any dietary restrictions or is there something in particular that makes getting enough calories in very difficult for you?
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    I just wanted to pop on and wish you luck :) I don't know what illness you have but I have a pretty screwed up spine and some nerve damage, although I have the opposite issue and need to lose weight but can't really exercise.

    My general suggestions are kinda what Jive said, ensure shakes (my grandma drank those), protein/meal bars, bread, smoothies, full fat anything, carb heavy meals.
  • hdkerr004
    hdkerr004 Posts: 5 Member
    JiveDoc - thank you for those suggestions. I will be looking out for those Pro Bars. I'm sorry you are going through this as well. No dietary restrictions but eating a lot is just so hard.

    FaylinaMeir - Thank you. I appreciate that. I was given a prescription for Boost but had Ensure for awhile. Good luck with your weight loss, hopefully your nerve damage doesn't interfere too much
  • JiveDoc
    JiveDoc Posts: 284 Member
    You can make your own much tastier smoothie with ice cream, peanut butter, protein powder, and a banana; or one of my old standbys, silken tofu with PB, banana, chocolate protein powder and coconut oil (basically anything you can throw in there). One of those will pack like 500+ calories and you can make a bunch at once and put it in the fridge/freezer. I think they taste much better than Ensure :)

    Hang in there and take care. <3
  • Pamtho2015
    Pamtho2015 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there. I'm trying to regain weight after abdominal surgery and have been recommended by doc to eat high protein. I'm trying to get back to 120 from 112. I don't really want to just regain weight by eating high fat foods. Are you interested in nutrition or just gaining full stop? For healthy weight gain I'm finding that yoghurts, ham and eggs are good snacks. Also higher calorie fruits like prunes and bananas. Bread with pate. Cheese snacks. Mfp is great for keeping track of nutrition content as well as calories. Good luck!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I've had a couple illnesses that have taken a toll on my appetite and body. I try to eat ice cream & peanut butter every day to keep my calories up. Pizza is also a good calorie intake. I don't eat it too much but fast food has some pretty high calories that will help you gain weight as well.
  • IammeCA
    IammeCA Posts: 63 Member
    When my wife was going through chemo-therapy the entirety of her dietary instructions from the doctor were "If you can keep it down, eat it."

    I realize that the circumstances are different but try to think of calorie dense foods that you like and include as much of those in your diet as possible.

    Good Luck!
  • hdkerr004
    hdkerr004 Posts: 5 Member
    Pamtho2015: Great healthy tips. Thanks. Cheese is always a good snack

    Chieflrg/LammeCA: I'm sorry you/your wife went through some illnesses. Pizza helps a lot, just as you said. My doctors advice to me was "if it tastes good, eat it. Lots of desserts and pasta". So I've been having a milkshake a day and eating more snacks. My illness is severe so eating healthy isn't a top priority. Just weight gain eating anything. I'm already sick, who cares what I eat? :smile:
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