Should I go back on Adderall???

My boss has noticed that I stopoed taking my adderall (stopped taking it about three months ago) - he has asked that I go back on it as we are a fast paced business and I have to be able to multi-task constantly. I realize that my inability to focus has created a few problems of late but I hate taking meds like that. I worry what they do to my body. If I start taking adderall again should I increase my calorie intake due to the increased metabolism from this "speed"? Is it safe to exercise with all this artificial stimulant running through my system? Please help!


  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I have minimal training in this area- (I'm almost finished with a doctorate in psychology). I have never heard of it being dangerous to exercise on adderall, but you pose excellent questions and I suggest you direct them to your prescribing doctor. Also- maybe start looking for a job that fits your natural skills, abilities and interests. I know the job market and economy stinks right now, but it seems that it stinks for you to be in a place that doesn't work well for the "real, all natural" you.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    This is 100% something that you need to speak with your doctor about! As for advice otherwise, I think the real problem is that your boss asked you to go on a medication. He or she has *absolutely* no right to do that, in fact, that person even asking is a violation of your rights at work. I would kindly thank them for showing concern and then say that your medication is a personal issue. Good luck! :-)
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Yes, its best to workout if your on a stimulant. The cardio helps condition your heart to better deal with the increases in heart rate right when the pill releases into your system, and the drop when it runs out at the end of a dose. So far, adderall looks to be one of the safer ADD/ADHD meds, but that's relative. There are some mental exercises you can to to help yourself focus if you don't want to go back on meds, but that will require almost constant work on your part. I wouldn't increase calories since you're still trying to loose weight. The stimulant doesn't raise you caloric need that much at all, it just makes most people's appetite a bit less, so you should pay attention and make sure you're eating your calories every day.

    The good news is, your not a teen or preteen boy on ritalin, that *kitten* was scary.
  • Tic_Tac_Toe
    Tic_Tac_Toe Posts: 33
    My husband is on Adderall for ADD. He tends to lose his appetite on it but he will drink shakes throughout the day and have a large dinner. He also exercises regularly with no problems. He’s been very successful with his weight loss and toning. It is different for everyone so I would still talk to your Dr.