Loving this app

Im over 300 lbs, and started using this app in early January (New Years resolution). I instantly fell in love with this app! Prior to using this app I tried a few other diet plans, but I never seemed to stick with it. Once I started this I thought it would be difficult, but quickly realized that it would be easier then I thought! I really dove into the whole process. I try to exercise every day. I work quite a bit and I sit at my job. Im lucky enough to work somewhere that encourages a healthy lifestyle. They have a gym and shows so we can workout while at work. When I say I workout everyday, it seems like a lot but in reality it isnt. Because of how busy I am at work I dont get to set aside time to workout, so I do 10 minutes of some sort of exercise (biking, jogging, running stairs etc...). I have goals I've set for each one, and I feel like im steadily on my way to reaching them. On my days off I increase my workout time to at least half an hour. I gotta say that I calorie count with this app almost religiously! With the help of this app Ive lost 13 lbs! There was a time where my weight started to fluctuate back and forth. I got pretty discouraged due to this. With some encouragement from my family I stuck with it and now there is almost no weight fluctuations. The last 2 weeks Ive lost 4lbs a week. I would like to continue this and with the help of this app I believe I can! Sorry if it seems as if Im just blabbering, but Im pretty excited and just needed to get this out! Thanks


  • karibeargirl
    karibeargirl Posts: 249 Member
    edited March 2015
    Congrats!!! Sounds like your on track!! Keep going.. You got this!
  • marine172064
    marine172064 Posts: 28 Member
    Verynice##!! Stay positive and focused.
  • angier321
    angier321 Posts: 45 Member
    I think that's awesome! I recently started here too (on day 11), and find this whole site (and the people here) just wonderful. Keep up the good work. There are days the bag of Cheetos just SCREAM my name (I call that voice my inner 5 year old), but haven't given in yet, but hopefully never. Just so many good things/people/motivation/support/information here!