Need some motivational friend!!

curvaceous1995 Posts: 2
edited March 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Need motivational friends!! Trying to lose weight, and it just doesn't seem to stick with me, I have tried this before and I just felt the calories are way to high, and I never finish them. Am I doing something wrong? I'm a heavy girl, but I mean I don't need that many calories! Been trying to work out at home and sometimes people just need a little motivation and such. So message/add me. :smile:


  • lesliebunny
    lesliebunny Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I have been on here forever but just started back up about 2 weeks ago. I have about 40 pounds I am trying to lose. I have a habit of losing and gaining the same 20 over and over. I'll add you! Good luck with your weight loss. :-)
  • hunter1025
    hunter1025 Posts: 281 Member
    Getting back at it after gaining most of the weight back the first time I lost it. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • KayronM
    KayronM Posts: 165 Member
    Just started back logging constantly MFP has helped me a lot.. It's time for me to pay it forward.. feel free to add me
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    Hi! I have been on here a while...have about 80 to lose - I had lost 35 then gained it back again when i "fell off"...I'll add you too!
  • jddicarlo
    jddicarlo Posts: 171 Member
    Hi, been here for a while but was off the grid for a few years. Back some 1/1. Lost 20 and 50 more to go!
  • martind169
    martind169 Posts: 17 Member
    Eat good and water good start