Tmi! Weight regarding period

so i just realized I was freaking about about a couple being packed on out of no where over the last few days. Then I realized my period is coming. Does anyone else experience a significant gain during this time? I was wondering if due to all the day to day choas that has been going on in the last 2 weeks if I haven't been logging everything. I haven't but I haven't been eatingb a box of cookies or anything either. I had a donut like a week ago though. I'll have to keep logging this to see if this is a normal problem of mine but my jeans are mad tight. My other question is does any here take a magnesium supplement the week prior to help keep hormones in check?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Almost every woman will 5-7 days before, and many even do around ovulation. It's water weight and it'll drop off right after it starts or after it finishes. Just make sure you tighten your logging up so you can ensure that it's water and not a bit of fat.
  • slovie64
    slovie64 Posts: 55 Member
    I asked this same question a few weeks back. I gained like SEVEN pounds overnight when I started my period, and it came off, about a pound a day for the entire week. It is a total mind bender, but just try to ignore it and keep on keeping on.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Ovulation and pre and during period here
  • kaym0502
    kaym0502 Posts: 12 Member
    I always gain between ovulation and the start of my period. I just thought it was normal- could be wrong
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Yep, I always gain water weight. It's very common.

    Don't know about supplements. I mean, it's temporary, and it's water, so I just don't worry about it.

    Also, it would be pretty tough to accidentally gain 2 lbs in such a short time that are not water. I do think you'd notice THAT much food not going logged. (5000 calories on top of the fact that you would have also had to eat up to maintenance every day, to prevent a deficit.) So, the math says that you should not let the doughnut you ate a week ago keep you up at night.
  • cmoll520
    cmoll520 Posts: 60 Member
    I retain water during ovulation and from right before to after my period. Frustrating but not much I can do. The big weight drop after ovulation and af are nice through :)
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yup. I tend to shoot up 5-6 pounds right around ovulation and keep that weight until a few days after my curse ends. I simply learned to avoid the scales around this time (unless I am tracking to see what my hormones do).
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    Its frustrating and kind or demotivating. I gain around 2-3 lbs, but just remember its your period, it might take about a week (for me its about a week to 10 days) for the water weight to finally disappear, but it will eventually. drink plenty of water!
  • pirljamm
    pirljamm Posts: 1
    edited March 2015
    Yes i do too. My issue is weight gain too. It starts a week before I start my period to the end.
  • itsjosiebitch
    itsjosiebitch Posts: 68 Member
    It frustrates me. I'll be a certain weight for weeks and then (doing nothing different) about 10 days before my period I'll slowly gain like a half a pound till
  • virelay129
    virelay129 Posts: 43 Member
    Same page here...past 4 or 5 days (the witch is due any day) have been creeping up. I've been within my limits everyday. Was getti ng so frustrated than a friend asked me about her sudden gain and it came to me. I compared my cycle (I track using an app), to MFP ups and downs. It's matches.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    its normal.

    well, for women. LOL
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I gain at ovulation, and also at the start of my period. It's usually gone within 1-2 days of my period ending.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    cmoll520 wrote: »
    I retain water during ovulation and from right before to after my period. Frustrating but not much I can do. The big weight drop after ovulation and af are nice through :)

    Yep, this! It's demotivating to see the jump in weight, but somewhere in the midst of hormone swings I remind myself it's water weight :)
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    It happens. I know it sucks.
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Yep, it spikes around ovulation, then dips, and then goes up right before my period, and then goes back down shortly after it starts.
  • After the monthly bloat, I tend to drop a few extra pounds. Typically it's 2-4 pound gain, 5-7 pound drop including bloat weight gain.

    I love tracking ny monthly bloat because it seems like the most accurate indicator of how much weight I've lost between months.

    As a side note, the closer I get to goal weight, the fewer pounds I bloat up. 30-50 pounds ago, it was not uncommon for me to bloat up 6+ pounds. I'm still 20 pounds from being overweight and 50 from a 'normal' weight for my height, so I'm curious to see how this continues to change over time.
  • golfgirl99
    golfgirl99 Posts: 25 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    Yup. I tend to shoot up 5-6 pounds right around ovulation and keep that weight until a few days after my curse ends. I simply learned to avoid the scales around this time (unless I am tracking to see what my hormones do).

    Same here....I laugh about it and still weigh myself but use it as motivation to tighten up even more and it pays off on the scale eventually!
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I gain 2 pounds at ovulation (takes 2-3 days to drop back off), the day before my period I gain 7 pounds (every freaking month and always 7 pounds lately), it's gone by the day before my period ends. I've tried everything, lower sodium, more water, even Midol nothing changes it, so I've learned to just deal with it. This is also the only water gain (unlike from high sodium) that I can't sweat out any of it at the gym. Got to love Mother Nature, not only do we get cramps, bloating, irritability but we get to grow the kid (and all the lovely side effects of pregnancy) then labor and postpartum fun.... And men get nothing......
  • kimzy132124
    kimzy132124 Posts: 75 Member
    Lol thank you ladies :) I literally had a break down about it 2 days ago but maybe that part was pms lol. First episode like ever! I just hate when I'm working so hard and literally making sacrifices for it God sat there and was like hey I know you enough on your plate but let me just add this on there too, but don't worry it will only be there for a week or so lmao. It's times like this I look crazy just shooting death stares into the sky lol