Getting obsessed about weighing myself

Hi does anyone else suffer from this. I have lost nearly 6 stones my weight loss has slowed right down but keep getting weighed nearly every day. It disheartened me when the scales don't budge. Should I stop weigh ins altogether as I just get depressed about it? I am lucky to lose a lb a week now :( and is a contribution to binges!


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    edited March 2015
    only weigh yourself once a week )or every other week or however you want to) but no inbetween weighings.

    i used to weigh every day and log once a week, and just this week stopped, as i thought i was becoming too preoccupied with it. nip it in the bud. LOL so, ill weigh friday morning and log, like i always do and ust skip the other 6 weigh ins.

    if you dont have self control to stay off it, get rid of it and weigh at the gym or a frineds house or where ever.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I weigh myself everyday (at least twice). It actually keeps me in line. If see a slight gain it makes me control my eating.
  • Kaffiefred
    Kaffiefred Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for that. I only want to lose 14 lbs more and it is so frustrating!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    Kaffiefred wrote: »
    Thanks for that. I only want to lose 14 lbs more and it is so frustrating!

    with that little it will take time! be patient and consistent!
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I weigh once a week, but I get nervous as I get closer to that time, because I'm afraid I won't like what I see. Last week, I thought I'd overeaten, but I lost two pounds anyway. This week, I may have over eaten again, so I'm getting nervous again.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Firstly, congratulations. 6 stone is a massive loss.

    I weigh myself daily and the fluctuations are comical. I can weigh myself, have a shower, weigh myself again and put on 3lbs. It's just a reminder that the number on the scale is just that, a number.
    I try to go by how I feel (easier said than done sometimes.)
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    1 lb a week is a great rate of loss, especially for someone who only has 14 more lbs to lose.

    If you cannot emotionally process the fact that the scale is weighing a lot more than your fat, then yes, stay off of it.

    If you're only 14 lbs from goal and you're actually... really kind of unhappy sounding (weighing obsessively, binging, super frustrated, disheartened, "depressed about it"), then I'd address that directly. Because I doubt the 14 lbs will solve all of that.

    If you really and truly think you're losing too slowly, take a fine toothed comb to your logging. And add a little extra light exercise. The weather is getting nicer, so you could bump up the walking, for example.

    And maybe try to take your mind off this a bit. Plan some fun stuff to look forward to other than hitting your goal weight. Focus on some of the things you've already achieved. Make a new fitness goal.

    Especially because it could take awhile. The last 5-10 often take a good long while. Accepting it will help you be happy, obsessing about it won't, and either way, it's going to come off when it will.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    1 lb a week is actually pretty normal so don't beat yourself up. There are a lot of other people out there struggling trying to lose weight and can't even get that much off per week.
  • tiffanyking1976
    tiffanyking1976 Posts: 24 Member

    if you dont have self control to stay off it, get rid of it and weigh at the gym or a frineds house or where ever.

    This is great advice i'm a faithful every morning hop on the scale girl. I got a new digital one yesterday that tells me the fat muscle and bone info. It says i weigh 1 lb less that what my old scale tells me. So today i love it tomorrow probably not as much.
  • raishiwi
    raishiwi Posts: 56 Member
    I weigh myself everyday to get an average, and write it down on a piece of paper i have taped on the wall above the scale. Reminds me I've made progress, and that you only lose 1lb at a time. I get excited to do weigh ins, usually one day every few weeks I see a big jump in average weigh in.
  • nstock
    nstock Posts: 135 Member
    sometimes you don't notice the change on the scale. Measure yourself or take progress pics. Most importantly... it's about how you feel.. not a silly number. Congrats on your loss so far though! :)
  • Sophsmother
    Sophsmother Posts: 83 Member
    I weigh once a week, but I get nervous as I get closer to that time, because I'm afraid I won't like what I see. Last week, I thought I'd overeaten, but I lost two pounds anyway. This week, I may have over eaten again, so I'm getting nervous again.

    Uughhhhh, that's exactly how I am. I know how you feel.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Being obsessed with daily weigh ins is not a good thing. I personally do not think weekly or monthly weigh ins are the best solution. The same volatility that plague daily weigh ins can also plague weekly ones. Say you are down 2 lbs for the week, and the night before you weigh in, you eat a high sodium meal. The next day your entire week's worth of work was masked by the meal. Had you have weighed in a day earlier or later you'd have seen your progress. I think not weighing at all is an even worse solution. This is how I advise handling weigh ins:

    Stop concerning yourself with day to day weigh ins. They are meaningless. A million and one things affect day to day weigh ins (sodium, hydration, food in stomach, timing of last bowel movement, etc). A good technique is to weigh daily at the same time each day and record the result (but don't focus on it because it's essentially meaningless). At the end of the week, average the results. At the end of the month, compare the averages. This is where things become much more meaningful. There should be a downward trend (not necessarily a linear drop). If after 4 weeks or more you are consistently maintaining or gaining, consider reducing calories or examine how accurately you are counting them (
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Kaffiefred wrote: »
    Hi does anyone else suffer from this. I have lost nearly 6 stones my weight loss has slowed right down but keep getting weighed nearly every day. It disheartened me when the scales don't budge. Should I stop weigh ins altogether as I just get depressed about it? I am lucky to lose a lb a week now :( and is a contribution to binges!

    I weigh myself everyday and don't care about the daily fluctuations. I'm just looking for a trend over several weeks. From day to day your weight can be +/- 3 pounds - or so my experience has been. Who cares. Look for the trend over a big enough sample size.
  • itsjosiebitch
    itsjosiebitch Posts: 68 Member
    I weigh myself everyday a couple times a day- I'm just so curious.
  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    I also log every day and weigh multiple times a day. Mostly because I like to see how my body reacts to different foods. What matters though is an overall weight loss. I tend to fluctuate 2lbs+/- and it doesn't worry me too badly unless I've been weighing 2lbs more for a week or more.
  • PharmGirl522
    PharmGirl522 Posts: 51 Member
    I know how you feel. I actually just thought to myself that I am going to have to toss my scale out, because the number on the scale sets my mood for the entire day. I stepped on it this morning (haven't since I was weighed at my meeting last Thursday night) and saw that the number was two pounds higher than it was last week. And never mind the fact that, logically, I know a couple of things are contributing to that (higher than usual sodium intake yesterday, TOM)...that number immediately sent me into a funk that lasted all day.

    Fortunately, I realize that having a scale in my house is doing me exactly zero good, so out it's going tomorrow morning, right along with the rest of the trash.
  • Kaffiefred
    Kaffiefred Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for all the tips. I am trying not to focus on the scales going down! I am excersising quite a lot or as much as I have time to do. I am feeling slimmer and more toned. I go on my holidays in 7 weeks and was hoping to get to my target by then. But I know I won't but hopefully won't be far off. I am going to stop beating myself up about it. It's good to know I'm not on my own and have the support of all you lovely people x