Any new mommies also trying to lose the baby weight?

Hey yall! New mom here needing some friends and encouragement. I did it before, but now Im struggling to find my "inner beast". :)


  • jodeswood007
    jodeswood007 Posts: 12 Member
    Not really new, ds is 19 months but at it again. With the weather getting warmer here, I'm feeling energized that I can do this!
  • catherinemarlton
    catherinemarlton Posts: 3 Member
    Just joined this to continue losing the baby weight. My daughter is a year old (just) and I've been back on calorie counting since 1st Jan. Lost 31lbs so far but still 25 to go. Still breastfeeding at night and my girl does not sleep well, staying on track is hard but this app is helping :) got two weddibgs tjis year so woukd loce to get a lot off for that as a target then maintain...... reading success stories is helping motivation. Where are you based? I find a target is helpful and i also have a day a week off, still record cals but go waaayyy over so i have that to look forward to. Also small evening meal, early then just water afterwards. That said I've just had cheese straws and a glass of milk in the middle of the night as my baby is up after being sick I'm so hungry! We can all definitely do this :) xx
  • sarahcmckinney7
    sarahcmckinney7 Posts: 7 Member
    Just had my 3rd child 6months ago trying to lose baby weight!! I have about 35lbs I want to shed!
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    :# baby's still cooking... Due early April and I'm as big as a house. A house that can't get up, walk around, bend over... But my 180 lbs is freaking me out!
  • CMillikan08
    CMillikan08 Posts: 45 Member
    DS is 6 months old and I have struggled so far to lose any of the pregnancy/some prepregnancy weight. This app helped me stay focused and on track a couple of years ago and I lost 40lbs. This time goal is to keep it off! Good luck to all you mommies. We can do this and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I have a 2 month old! Plus a 2 year old, 4 year old, and 6 year old. :) So far I've lost 15 pounds since starting MFP a few weeks ago. I'm still about 20 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight (I gained more than I care to admit!). Then I want to lose 30 more pounds after that too.
  • rlroo12
    rlroo12 Posts: 5 Member
    My "new" baby is turning 2 in a couple of weeks! Can't blame him for my extra lbs anymore.
  • rlroo12
    rlroo12 Posts: 5 Member
    Rest of my post mysteriously disappeared. Hmm. I'm excited to have FINALLY gained back much needed motivation to ditch my excuses and bring my sexy back!! ;)
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    I just recently had baby 2. With my first, MFP helped me lose 25 lbs. Now I am back to lose the next 25 lb installment. I tried not to gain as much weight the second time around, but apparently not hard enough. :p I am currently just using MFP to track thoughts and progress - once I get into a better rhythm, I hope to start tracking calories again (I just find it too time consuming to enter in recipes for all my meals...) Feel free to add me for some added support!
  • sarahlouise1978
    sarahlouise1978 Posts: 13 Member
    Just had twins 16 days ago. Put on 5 stone during my pregnancy and have shed 2.5stone havIng them but have the rest to lose now through watching what I eat and exercise. My fitness is really poor as have been unable to do much the last 3 months of being pregnant so am starting to walk way day and build it up gradually until I can hit the gym again. Need likeminded friends to help with the motivation as it's going to be tough fitting it all in around the twins! Sarah
  • HollyAnneManuel
    HollyAnneManuel Posts: 1 Member
    My baby is 10 months old. I barely gained during my pregnancy and was back to my original weight a few weeks after delivery...BUT... Being on maternity leave has been rough on me! I been sitting around playing with my baby and eating way too much and not making good choices. It's discouraging that I'm so big now that my maternity clothes is way too small for me. I go back to work in less than 2 months and I need to loose some weight before then!
  • Just had my 2nd baby Jan 23....lost most of the baby weight, just need to lose 5 more, plus want to lose 10 more to be at a good weight. Since I'm exclusively Breastfeeding I know I need to keep some of my calorie intake up but trying to eat smarter and healthier. I've tried the carnation breakfast shakes. I add fresh fruit and have those for breakfast....taste good and gets me through my morning.