
Hi my name is Ray and would like to join others or others join me in a journey with T25 I just started today. I feel that it will really help me and my walk to shredding theses pounds. Anyone care to comment?


  • cocobongo
    cocobongo Posts: 186 Member
    I'm a week into Beta round and can't recommend it enough. It's the first workout programme I've stuck to for so long and the results so far are fantastic. Keep going when you really don't feel like it, which may be often in the first few weeks, there is a turning point where it gets easier to push play.
  • I just started T25 this week myself as I needed a switch from my Turbo Fire. Feel free to add me if you like.... so far I am enjoying it plus seeing great improvements and hoping overall it will be of huge benefit!
  • AmbitiousButRubbish
    AmbitiousButRubbish Posts: 246 Member
    I just started Gamma and the results I have had are pretty amazing for me. Keep up with it! Don't give up.
  • Hey guys, I almost finished my 3rd week of T25 alpha phase. I am loving the fact that the workouts are only 25 minutes and I am still dripping with sweat at the end of it. The hardest part for me is being patient to see results. So far I haven't lost any weight or any inches and I am starting to get discouraged. Especially seeing and hearing about everyone elses amazing results. Maybe I just need to be more patient......
  • cocobongo
    cocobongo Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Lauren, how many cals are you eating per day?

  • cocobongo wrote: »
    Hi Lauren, how many cals are you eating per day?

    Hey cocobongo according to MFP I burn about 239 calories with a high impact cardio workout for 25 min (T25) so adding that into my calories, it has me eating somewhere around 1700 calories and I should be losing a 1lb a week. Im thinking about changing my goal to 2 lbs a week, maybe thatll help.

  • rayofsunshine2368
    rayofsunshine2368 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey guys, I almost finished my 3rd week of T25 alpha phase. I am loving the fact that the workouts are only 25 minutes and I am still dripping with sweat at the end of it. The hardest part for me is being patient to see results. So far I haven't lost any weight or any inches and I am starting to get discouraged. Especially seeing and hearing about everyone elses amazing results. Maybe I just need to be more patient......

    Hi Lauren have you started eating better and watching your calories? I know for me its hard because of my age.. I have lost 2lbs but its only the first week. maybe cut back a little on your calories
  • wwforever12
    wwforever12 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm into week 2 of Beta Cycle. Love it! Trying to go to the YMCA for classes 3-5 times a week and supplement with T25 as well. I've done Turbofire in the past and love that even more, however the 25 minute workouts are sure nice!!
  • rayofsunshine2368
    rayofsunshine2368 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm into week 2 of Beta Cycle. Love it! Trying to go to the YMCA for classes 3-5 times a week and supplement with T25 as well. I've done Turbofire in the past and love that even more, however the 25 minute workouts are sure nice!!

    Yes they are it kind of breaks up the day. I do that in the morning and I run for 30 in the evening. so far I feel everything tightening up and think its great so far.