Gaining weight

I have been following the calorie counting closely and exercised 6/7 days the first week. I lay 1.1 the first 2 days, but after a week I just weighed in and have gained and am now a pound heavier tan when I started. Did this happen to anyone else?


  • SjoeraR
    SjoeraR Posts: 4
    Could be that you are just holding up fluids because of the change in your eating/exercising habits. How much calories are you eating now?
  • mmmrodon
    mmmrodon Posts: 3
    Probably averaging around 1600 after exercise. I am allowed 1800 for 1 lb/week, but I thought that was too many so I'm trying to do less. I'm averaging a burn of 250 cal per workout.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    it is common to see an increase in water weight when you change your exercise routine, muscles retain water as part of recovery

    log accurately :

    you cant tell much from a week, keep it up for a month, weigh a few times a week and track the TREND, your weight will fluctuate and that is perfectly normal. If you do not see any success after a month then come back and ask for advice with an open diary.

    ~Best wishes on your journey
  • mmmrodon
    mmmrodon Posts: 3
    Thanks. I know a week isn't long enough, but with the Change in what I'm eating and the exercise, it's hard to believe I haven't lost weight. Hopefully, next week will be a different story.