YOUR PERSONAL workout challenge for the day?!

into_fitness Posts: 91 Member
edited March 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
I am just curious - HOW ARE YOU going to PUSH yourself at the gym today? What challenge are you going to take on and conquer? Are you going to push yourself to run that extra mile or two or three? to lift a little heavier today? please share and set yourself up for a challenge that you WILL accept and that you WILL complete!

Yesterday I was challenged to do 30 intervals of HIIT (30 sec sprint/30 sec jog). I completed that and did one extra! It was the greatest feeling.

I am still thinking of what my personal challenge should be today - but what is yours?!

If you post - you gotta stick to it ;)


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Rest Day!

    No really. Today is a rest day for me.

    Although I am going to work in the yard today.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've already done my workout for today, but I'd like to post and hold myself accountable for tomorrow. I work out at home with Fitness Blender videos, and my normal workouts range between 20 and 40 minutes in length (5-6 times per week). I have a video queued up for tomorrow, though, that is a 53 minute butt and thigh HIIT + strength program and I'm a little nervous about my ability to hang in for that long a workout. I challenge myself to 1) keep moving for the entire period, even if it means having to take the intensity down a notch or two and 2) to lift as heavy as I can during the strength portions.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I'll post for tomorrow too then.

    8 mile long run tomorrow.
  • into_fitness
    into_fitness Posts: 91 Member
    @grimmeanor enjoy rest day!!

    @knitapeace - sounds intense, but you've definitely got it. I would love to hear how it goes for you! If I have to work for a while, but feel like I might have difficulty going through the whole thing I will allow myself to do a portion not as intense for only a SHORT amount of time to catch my breath but then it has to be followed by an intense workout. good luck!!
  • into_fitness
    into_fitness Posts: 91 Member
    @grimmeanor - wahoo great! stick to it!
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    20 mile ride today. (assuming my trainer doesn't torch my legs so bad that I can't walk) lol.
  • into_fitness
    into_fitness Posts: 91 Member
    hah that's the worst, but at least you know you got a good workout. good luck and kill it!!
  • seanm55
    seanm55 Posts: 140 Member
    I missed this morning and got too busy at work to hit it at lunch so tomorrow i have to do chest and arms, so it will be a early morning and then again at lunch to make up for the weak start to my day......
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Today was 5mi easy @ 8:30-7:22, 5mi tempo @ half marathon pace (6:06). Last mi split was 6:02 :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Lol, since my DD is out of school today, I have to deal with the treadmill inside, instead of going outside for my cardio. I'm not going to drag her along with me outside either. She'd rather play in "Fitzone" (kids play games and run in the gym) rather than hang with her dad on a walk. And it's MY TIME for me to be with me anyway.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Hey there, just popping back in to report I did make it through the 53 minute butt and thigh workout. I woke up feeling slightly sore from the HIIT routine I did yesterday, and now I'm even MORE sore so I imagine tomorrow morning is going to be less than fun, lol. But I did manage to hang in for almost every rep in the cardio intervals, had to slack off on a jump squat or two, and lifted as much as I was able in the strength portions. The last part of the workout was a Pilates burnout and that stuff can be hard when your legs and butt are already toast. So yay me, check mark on the exercise list for today. :)
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Oh come on, I have to push myself just to go to the gym every day, you mean I have to push myself farther once I get there too?
    But actually, it's legs and core day, which means the more I push myself, the less I will be able to walk tomorrow. But that's never slowed me down before so I don't expect it to today.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    8 mile long run complete today!
  • PAtinCO
    PAtinCO Posts: 129 Member
    I'll do some walking and a low intensity workout today. We're going to the mountains for a weekend of snowshoeing so I want to conserve energy for that.
  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    Today was leg day! I survived the following:
    exercise reps weight
    deadlift 4x5 185 lbs
    front squat/ 4x5 85 lbs
    overhead press
    hips thrust 3x10 185 lbs
    leg extention 3x5 100 lbs
    eliptical -6/6 setting-- just under 300 calories
    Roman Chair 4x12 with 10 lbs ankle weights on each leg.....
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    It's my cheat day so I'm going to "push" myself at the China Buffet and force feed myself like a foie gras goose. Then I'll go home and polish off a 6 pack of homebrewed IPA.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited March 2015
    ENDURANCE ( I'm committing to one set (it's 90 degrees hot today!). But, for all those tigers, go for two to three more)
    50 jumping jacks
    10 burpees
    15 squats
    30 mt. climbers (es)
    15 tricep dips
    10 burpees
    10 lateral lunges (es)
    40 knee-highs
    5 push-ups
    (update: done in 6:17)

    SYDNEY 2 (I'll commit to 4 sets)
    10 static lunges (es)
    30 second RKC plank
    15 step-ups (knee height)
    14 reclining rows

    SUK (4 sets)
    8 sit-ups
    60sec 15lb kettlebell (alternate with sit-ups) Farmer's R, Farmer's L, Overhead, Single-Arm Snatch (16 reps)

  • Lovefastball99
    Lovefastball99 Posts: 53 Member
    knitapeace wrote: »
    I've already done my workout for today, but I'd like to post and hold myself accountable for tomorrow. I work out at home with Fitness Blender videos, and my normal workouts range between 20 and 40 minutes in length (5-6 times per week). I have a video queued up for tomorrow, though, that is a 53 minute butt and thigh HIIT + strength program and I'm a little nervous about my ability to hang in for that long a workout. I challenge myself to 1) keep moving for the entire period, even if it means having to take the intensity down a notch or two and 2) to lift as heavy as I can during the strength portions.

    Mrs Bender... LOVE her. I've gotten so many great exercises from her. Also from bodyrock. I so enjoy pushing myself and feeling the burn ;)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    No gym today, just a recovery ride...

    Will crush some snatches tomorrow morning at 6 AM though.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    rileyes wrote: »
    ENDURANCE ( I'm committing to one set (it's 90 degrees hot today!). But, for all those tigers, go for two to three more)
    50 jumping jacks
    10 burpees
    15 squats
    30 mt. climbers (es)
    15 tricep dips
    10 burpees
    10 lateral lunges (es)
    40 knee-highs
    5 push-ups
    (update: done in 6:17)

    SYDNEY 2 (I'll commit to 4 sets)
    10 static lunges (es)
    30 second RKC plank
    15 step-ups (knee height)
    14 reclining rows
    (update: done in 14:37)

    SUK (4 sets)
    8 sit-ups
    60sec 15lb kettlebell (alternate with sit-ups) Farmer's R, Farmer's L, Overhead, Single-Arm Snatch (16 reps)
    (update: done in 6:50)

    And it is hot today!