Extremely Picky Eater Options???

I am a very picky eater. I only eat a few fruits and vegetables. Lettuce, cucumbers, corn, white potatoes, strawberries, bananas, cherries, apples. I really think that's it. I know, its pathetic. I'm also Italian so I will never give up pasta, just moderate portions. I also hate seafood except canned tuna. What are some good options for eating??? Thank you!


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ummm if that is it then I think you are not picky and have disordered view of food..

    I mean you don't like steak, barbecue chicken, pasta, bagels, ice cream, etc?????
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Eat what you enjoy...just less of it. Weigh and measure everything and stay within your calories for the day.
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    Sounds like a nice variety to me -shrug- I mean just eat what you'd like while making a good attempt to stay within calories and macros for the day and you'll be good to go :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why do I think OP does not have a weight gaining problem..????
  • Sydking
    Sydking Posts: 317 Member
    Sorry but just the thought of nice roast lamb with crispy potatoes make me drool..

    Learn to cook and enjoy food. You might like it more

    heck for me food is on par with sex and turbo car running 2bar
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Do you really not like other things or have you just not had them? I think being a picky eater is childish, and this is coming from someone who used to be a picky eater until I was quite old. 20 or so. I just got over it. I wasn't going to be a picky eater all my life so I just starting branching out and eating different things. Now I would say I will eat almost anything.
  • DelightfulToni
    DelightfulToni Posts: 5 Member
    Umm okay I didn't mean that's ALL I eat lol just in the fruits and veggies department. Secondly, I never said I had a weight gaining problem lol. I'm not trying to GAIN weight. I've lost 50, which was easy because of stress but, the past year it's been a stand still so I'm trying to mix it up. I don't "diet". I have just become more aware of what, and how much, I eat. And no, I do not like steak lol
  • DelightfulToni
    DelightfulToni Posts: 5 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Do you really not like other things or have you just not had them? I think being a picky eater is childish, and this is coming from someone who used to be a picky eater until I was quite old. 20 or so. I just got over it. I wasn't going to be a picky eater all my life so I just starting branching out and eating different things. Now I would say I will eat almost anything.

    It's not for lack of trying. I gag with most green veggies. Peas, beans, etc.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Picky eater here too. Ignore the people who say it's childish etc., they clearly have never had to deal with it. You don't choose to be a picky eater, why would you want to do something that makes your life harder?

    Start with what you enjoy. Try to taste new foods that are similar. For example, I like rice, so I tried bulgar wheat, then quinoa and now I quite like those too. Sometimes you have to try something a few times (a lot of times!) in order to get used to it (took me ages to enjoy fresh peppers, now I eat them regularly). Make the new thing a small part of the meal so it's not a complete waste if you don't eat it.

    I eat loads more variety than I used to, but I'm still picky by most people's standards. It's a work in progress. Keep at it, eventually you'll feel the benefit.
  • DelightfulToni
    DelightfulToni Posts: 5 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Picky eater here too. Ignore the people who say......
    Thanks :)

  • DelightfulToni
    DelightfulToni Posts: 5 Member
    Sydking wrote: »
    Sorry but just the thought of nice roast lamb with crispy potatoes make me drool..

    Learn to cook and enjoy food. You might like it more

    heck for me food is on par with sex and turbo car running 2bar
    I do know how to cook, I do enjoy food and food is there with sex and trucks lol
  • ace21496
    ace21496 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a reformed picky eater. I was horrible. I didn't try ketchup or pickles until I was 20. The only vegetables I ate were corn, potatoes (white & sweet), lettuce and celery. I met my husband and he slowly helped me try new things. Now I only have a handful of vegetables & fruits I don't like.

    I think how you cook the vegetables can have a huge impact on how they taste. I hate peas and green beans when they are cooked to mush. If I cook them where they are still crisp tender they are so much better. Experiment with different cooking methods. Stir-fries are one of the best methods I've found to introduce a small amount of a new vegetable.

    It has taken literally 1/2 of my life to be at the point where I can eat a large variety of vegetables. I wish it had been a quicker process but I possess I huge stubborn streak and was convinced I hated things. I'm still trying new things. Just within the last two weeks I have tried and liked winter melon and bell peppers. You can do it.