super workout mode and not losing weight.,....

maletac Posts: 767 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
its weird when i start going into super workout mode i stop losing weight....

like ill consistantly lose weight about 0.2 lbs per day if i work out for 1 hour a day

as soon as i move it up to two hours a day or push myself to the limits then my my body stops losing and i think i even retain weight (whethere it be water or fat) but it putts my body in a weird mode that even if i stopped working out today for the next 2 weeks i will still be losing weight....

kinda weird huh?


  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Not at all. Intense workouts cause sore muscles to retain water. Also, if you are building extra muscle over time you gain that weight. Doesn't look like you have much fat to exchange for muscle so any additional muscle will add weight to you.
  • Chantelle160
    Chantelle160 Posts: 127
    Not at all. Intense workouts cause sore muscles to retain water. Also, if you are building extra muscle over time you gain that weight. Doesn't look like you have much fat to exchange for muscle so any additional muscle will add weight to you.

  • vryanz
    vryanz Posts: 49
    Are you eating enough? Often you will see a decrease in weight loss if you are working out a lot and not getting enough calories and/or carbs.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    Not at all. Intense workouts cause sore muscles to retain water. Also, if you are building extra muscle over time you gain that weight. Doesn't look like you have much fat to exchange for muscle so any additional muscle will add weight to you.

    Exactly. VERY normal to gain weight when you start pushing harder or start a new workout regimen
  • Yes- if you don't eat enough your body can go into starvation mode and start storing fat.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    But are you seeing changes in your composition?

    Since youveincreasedyoyr workouts have you also increased you calorie intake?
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    i love you guys :D nice compliments

    and yes i am eating more than enough. i wouldnt starve myself
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    and yes i did add more calories

    and this whole post reconfirms my beliefs :D:D thank you
  • vryanz
    vryanz Posts: 49
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    If you're trying to lose fat, working out intensely isn't the key; it's a caloric deficit with proper protein amounts.
    If you are really serious about being lean, then I'd recommend the following:

    Assuming you are doing weight resistance, and strength training at least 3 days a week (you shouldn't be doing more than 4 anyway).

    Daily Calories: (BW x14)-650 (at most)
    Protein: 1.3xBW = grams protein DAILY
    Fat: .3g/lb BW
    Carbs: Fill in the rest

    EX of what I did: (follow above advice, mine was more complicated than the following)

    172x15 = 2580 - 780 = 1800
    172x1.25 = 215g Protein
    1800x.2 = 360/9 = 40g Fat
    (215x4)+(40x9) = 1220. 1800-1220 = 145g Carbs
    Totals: 215P, 40F, 145C = 1800 calories.

    1.5-2 hours prior to workout: Consume approximately 35% of your daily carbs: oatmeal, kashi cereal, bran cereal, something complex.
    During your workout: Consume ~30-40g protein powder, and 20% of your daily carbs in a fast carb form (gatorade powder ~45g)
    After Workout: Consume 25% of your daily carbs in form of complex carb along with protein and minimal fat levels.
    The other 15% comes at another meal, 5% from veggies.

    Drink a ton of water. Cardio is not needed if you are indeed following this calorie limit and lifting intensely.
    On off days, I suggest upping your fat slightly, and lowering carbs: +1 Fat for every -2.25carbs

    Re-feed every 12-14 days.
    Re-feed on the day you work your worst body part(s) as re-feeding will not only raise leptin, but be quite anabolic.
    Keep fat as low as possible during re-feed days
    Reduce protein intake to 1 g/lb bodyweight.
    Consume as little fructose as possible
    Increase calories to maintenance level 50% over normal diet levels.
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