friends to help reach goals

I am two weeks into this and 10 weeks down.... need friends to help motivate and keep me on track. Big girl is hungry and this is hard.


  • prj1996
    prj1996 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey, I feel you! Today, is my technical first day and it's pretty challenging. I gave up all my junk food for healthy food. I'm not much for that stuff, to me it's too bland. Honestly, I haven't had a single craving for the junky stuff yet, except dark chocolate pomegranates, those are amazing. I've been trying to diet for a long time, and now I'm ready to take it on.
  • ccwidder
    ccwidder Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on 10 weeks and so far I'm down 14 lbs. I keep hitting plateaus and it is very frustrating.
  • lvtempted
    Between the gym and changing diet I wanted it to come off faster... I know it takes time just hard. Good to meet you both.
  • FloMore
    FloMore Posts: 2 Member
    I feel your pain, after Christmas i couldn't get back on track. Junk food nearly every day but i'm on day 3 and i keep wanting to stop for a pizza or something.
  • ccwidder
    ccwidder Posts: 8 Member
    This is true. I'm going to the gym 5 to 6 days a week and have completely changed my diet and eating habits. But I didn't gain weight over night either.
  • lvtempted
    Pizza or taco bell lol.... personal trainer told me you ate the cake and the cookies and enjoyed it.... now you get to work it off. With it was a small amount I have to lose but 90 more pounds seems daunting. Hungry .... nice to feel not so alone
  • jessicamthal
    jessicamthal Posts: 14 Member
    Now that it's getting warmer and I'm forced to wear less clothes I gotta kick it into high gear! You are not alone :) I'm on IG too @jessicamthal if you want some motivation
  • lvtempted
    Not to sound stupid.... What is IG?
  • FloMore
    FloMore Posts: 2 Member
    Instagram haha
  • sarahghayoor
    sarahghayoor Posts: 2 Member
    Hi i am sarah. Its my 7th day of diet since i have stopped all bread and rice . But the scales have hardly dropped :(all i eat is fruit and chickpeas. Sigh
  • lvtempted
    Need To Eat More Than That LOL.
  • SommerC76
    SommerC76 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Sommer-new member. I too love to eat and have paid for it dearly with bad health over the last four years. I lost my daughter in a car wreck so I just started shoveling it in the next thing you know I weight 235 pounds and I'm only 5' 7''. Everyone around me always just wanted to make me feel better because of my situation - they would say you don't look like you weight that much or you carry your weight well but I was extremely sick all the time. So I had to get with the program. I lost 35 pounds but it has taken me an entire year to do that and now I am stuck! I need to get off another 15 to be healthy. Anyway-not to bore you with my story and I'm not completely where I need to be but I can say You all can do it just stay encouraged!
  • lvtempted
    Sorry to her about your struggles it is hard and whatever encouragement you need I can help!
  • sanchezsharlyn84
    I am new to this, and I too need to lose this weight. I will be getting married in Aug 21,15 and I try on my own its hard. I need support so please any will do. Thank you ladies
  • fitinthe6
    fitinthe6 Posts: 43 Member
    hey I'm jill i ate really bad today but tomorrow I'm going jogging with my friends and starting fresh and my goal is to lose 30 pounds in 5 months or more
  • lvtempted
    That's very reachable. O b r bad day can be overcome.
  • lvtempted
    Meant one bad day can be overcome
  • fitinthe6
    fitinthe6 Posts: 43 Member
    thats true and we can do this! we should be positive and help each other out whether its small goals or big goals to achieve, we'll get there!