i just don't get it, why am i not seeing results.......



  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »
    fitkoc wrote: »
    so I need to measure and eat less then?

    You need to measure your food so that you have an accurate understanding of what you are eating. Weighing your food will ensure you are actually eating at a deficit.

    Another question -- are the entries for "homemade" foods recipes that you created or are you choosing those from the database? I try to never use entries that others have made for foods I cook at home -- you can't know what they used or if they are truly accurate. Another thing -- you mentioned drinking wine (which is fine), but when I was looking through your diary I didn't see wine listed (Edit: never mind, I found it). Are you logging your alcohol?

    Edit: You seem to have a lot of entries that aren't very exact -- "1 slice" of cheesecake, 1 avocado (how big was it -- avocados come in different sizes and they're a very calorie dense food), "1 dish" of Chinese food for 300 calories. I understand that life can be crazy and we can't perfectly log everything, but you need to tighten up your logging before you can know if you are hitting a calorie deficit or not.

    yes I log it as a snack! lol and yes homemade was the closest I could find in mfp to my own creation

    Try making your own recipes using the recipe builder, it's not a good idea to always go by someone else's entry in the database. They could be using completely different ingredients and have a completely different level of calories. Definitely weigh every ingredient you use so that you know exactly what you're eating!
  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    Depending on your build, you may already be at a good weight for your height.

    Do you really need to lose any weight?

    What goal weight would your doctors like to see you at?

    my DR has never told me to loose weight, its that i'm not comfortable with rolls around midsection and it affects my confidence level, for three years prior to the surgery I dealt with the pain etc, now that is all fixed and I need to get back to myself, at 160lbs I would be back to myself, that is what I strive for. I am 5"11 have broad sholders not tiny build at all, very strong, however I do office work and drive a lot so it caught up with me last few years dealing with this illness. when measuring meat etc I was using palm for measuring, should I be hungry all the time? when building muscle and loosing fat which I have been somewhat successful doing I can't drink protein shakes to replenish my body all the time, although it would be easier to track lol!

    I am enjoying not having to take any medications any more, my health has never been in this much control....enjoying that definately
  • Ludd1te
    Ludd1te Posts: 3
    Try eating less grains (calorie dense even if whole grains) and more veggies. Also lose the sweet potato fries. They are not a healthy alternative to french fries. Try eating a whole plain sweet potato instead.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    If what you are doing isn't resulting in weight loss, then you're eating too much to see weight loss. By whatever method you use to determine how much you're eating, reduce your calorie intake and you'll see results.
  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    thanks for all the posts guys, so if I get this right, I am to weight my food, eat less but don't eat so little I put myself into starvation mode, this is not easy, so should I be hungry all the time then? maybe just water and veggies and protein for a month and see what happens, i'm sorry i'm loosing faith in this journey, it's taking too long, sad today sorry
  • subversive99
    subversive99 Posts: 273 Member
    Don't eat less necessarily. Start weighing your food using a digital scale as opposed to using measuring cups. Enter and track your intake, and evaluate as you go. Also, be patient. This is not a sprint. :)
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »
    thanks for all the posts guys, so if I get this right, I am to weight my food, eat less but don't eat so little I put myself into starvation mode, this is not easy, so should I be hungry all the time then? maybe just water and veggies and protein for a month and see what happens, i'm sorry i'm loosing faith in this journey, it's taking too long, sad today sorry

    You shouldn't be hungry all the time. You don't necessarily need to eat less if you find that you were eating a lot more than you thought you were once you start using scales. If you are still not losing weight after a month or so of using the scales and weighing EVERYTHING accurately (so not using other people's recipes in the database) then you should consider lowing your calories. I also wouldn't recommend just trying to stick to water, veggies and protein, it's not necessary. CICO (calories in calories out) is all that matters.

    You're not going to put yourself into starvation mode, but you don't want to be eating so little it's unhealthy. Try not to net below 1200 a day on a regular basis.
  • 4bettermenow
    4bettermenow Posts: 166 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »
    thanks for all the posts guys, so if I get this right, I am to weight my food, eat less but don't eat so little I put myself into starvation mode, this is not easy, so should I be hungry all the time then? maybe just water and veggies and protein for a month and see what happens, i'm sorry i'm loosing faith in this journey, it's taking too long, sad today sorry

    Everybody is different. You will need to play with the numbers to figure out what works for you. And yup, it can take a long long time. I've been doing this since August...have lost 30lbs...plateaued for a month and a half and in the past would have given up. You have to be diligent. You have to be on track. And you have to want the end results. Some days are hard. Some days are less hard. But in the end, I believe (my opinion only), you get out what you put into it. Hope your day gets better.
  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    thanks so much :)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    weigh your food. ON A SCALE. eat back half your exercise calories.

    log all your food. even the bad food. even cheat days or meals. at least until you know your body and food a little better.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »
    thanks for all the posts guys, so if I get this right, I am to weight my food, eat less but don't eat so little I put myself into starvation mode, this is not easy, so should I be hungry all the time then? maybe just water and veggies and protein for a month and see what happens, i'm sorry i'm loosing faith in this journey, it's taking too long, sad today sorry

    If you aren't losing weight, you're a long way from being in starvation mode.
  • shreddedtrooper
    shreddedtrooper Posts: 107 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »
    thanks for all the posts guys, so if I get this right, I am to weight my food, eat less but don't eat so little I put myself into starvation mode, this is not easy, so should I be hungry all the time then? maybe just water and veggies and protein for a month and see what happens, i'm sorry i'm loosing faith in this journey, it's taking too long, sad today sorry

    see above post.

    Eat the MOST for you. Eat the MOST protein fats carbs to get you where you want to be. Control the variables, be consistent, adjust and re-evaluate.

    Only until then will you see and move past.

    All these other posts about eating back and avoiding this and that


    Find your numbers for YOUR metabolism and find foods that meet both requirements and Guidelines.

    NO starvation mode. No isolation, be a varied consumer. You will have plenty of volume if done correctly and you hit your numbers :)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »
    thanks for all the posts guys, so if I get this right, I am to weight my food, eat less but don't eat so little I put myself into starvation mode, this is not easy, so should I be hungry all the time then? maybe just water and veggies and protein for a month and see what happens, i'm sorry i'm loosing faith in this journey, it's taking too long, sad today sorry

    You don't have to restrict yourself to water, veggies, and protein. I eat grains, fruit, and wine and I'm still losing weight. You don't need to lose faith.

    You should get a scale and start weighing your food so that you know what you're eating. This will allow you to be sure you are eating at a deficit. You should also make sure you're not choosing overly generic entries from the database (things like "1 dish" of Chinese food, etc). If you are making your own food, you can use the recipe builder to account for that. And if you're eating out, do your best to account for what you're eating.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited March 2015
    In your first post here - you said you've lost weight but not as much as you'd like. How much have you lost since you got started? While its true using a food scale helps with accuracy, if you're losing then that is good! I'm just wondering if you have realistic expectations?

    Think of calories in as a budget. Make sure to give your body the things it needs - like protein, veggies, fruit, healthy fats, whole grains. And if you have calories remaining, have whatever you enjoy.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »
    Depending on your build, you may already be at a good weight for your height.

    Do you really need to lose any weight?

    What goal weight would your doctors like to see you at?

    my DR has never told me to loose weight, its that i'm not comfortable with rolls around midsection and it affects my confidence level, for three years prior to the surgery I dealt with the pain etc, now that is all fixed and I need to get back to myself, at 160lbs I would be back to myself, that is what I strive for. I am 5"11 have broad sholders not tiny build at all, very strong, however I do office work and drive a lot so it caught up with me last few years dealing with this illness. when measuring meat etc I was using palm for measuring, should I be hungry all the time? when building muscle and loosing fat which I have been somewhat successful doing I can't drink protein shakes to replenish my body all the time, although it would be easier to track lol!

    I am enjoying not having to take any medications any more, my health has never been in this much control....enjoying that definately

    Just checking! I'm about your height (but large frame, long waist, large breasts) and your current weight would be absolutely skeletal for me. 160 would be physically impossible for me, but it might not be for you--even at the same height, people's builds vary so much. The closer you are to a very lean weight, the harder and slower it is to lose, so that could be part of why you are struggling.

    Running your goals by your doctor(s) is not a bad idea, just to make sure you are on the right track.

    I can totally relate to being ill and wanting to get your health back afterwards. Start tracking accurately and consistently and go from there. You might want to track, see how you are doing in a couple of weeks, and come back to ask questions again...when we can see some tracking history you are more likely to get helpful, specific feedback.

    Good luck!
  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    In your first post here - you said you've lost weight but not as much as you'd like. How much have you lost since you got started? While its true using a food scale helps with accuracy, if you're losing then that is good! I'm just wondering if you have realistic expectations?

    Think of calories in as a budget. Make sure to give your body the things it needs - like protein, veggies, fruit, healthy fats, whole grains. And if you have calories remaining, have whatever you enjoy.

    I have moved from 190 after surgery to 181, I want to be at 160
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    edited March 2015
    fitkoc wrote: »
    so I need to measure and eat less then?

    You will find that weighing your food will help you be more accurate with your calorie goal. At this point while you may think that you are eating 1500 a day, it could be a lot more based off of guessing and using measuring cups.

    I took a look at your food diary and found a few logging errors due to the entries that you are using. That will add even more to the problem of eating more than you think that you are. For example you have a 8oz Ribeye steak logged as 80 calories. That is a huge underestimate. That steak is closer to 500 calories. Add that along with other inaccuracies (like the avocado entries, bananas, and all of the other entries labeled generic) and not using a food scale, and it's enough to wipe out your deficit.

    Read this link to help with logging accuracy.

  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    It sounds like you are currently losing about half a pound a week. 10/21/14 - now 9lbs If you continue at that rate of weight loss, you would be at your target by the end of this year. In addition the advice above, you might want to consider that losing weight slowly might be a better option. It sounds like you only have 20lbs to lose anyway.
  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    fitkoc wrote: »
    so I need to measure and eat less then?

    You will find that weighing your food will help you be more accurate with your calorie goal. At this point while you may think that you are eating 1500 a day, it could be a lot more based off of guessing and using measuring cups.

    I took a look at your food diary and found a few logging errors due to the entries that you are using. That will add even more to the problem of eating more than you think that you are. For example you have a 8oz Ribeye steak logged as 80 calories. That is a huge underestimate. That steak is closer to 500 calories. Add that along with other inaccuracies (like the avocado entries, bananas, and all of the other entries labeled generic) and not using a food scale, and it's enough to wipe out your deficit.

    Read this link to help with logging accuracy.


    because my trainer keeps telling me not to track or step on scale I feel like i'm in the middle being pulled, she says only eat nutrient rich foods eat when your hungry and five meals a day, that's not working, I need to loose more and faster, I don't have any issue working out or eating healthy I just need help getting results...I will buy a scale and adjust my daily intake so I feel hungry most of the time and see what happens I guess...you guys are so supportive thank you
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    fitkoc wrote: »
    so I need to measure and eat less then?

    You will find that weighing your food will help you be more accurate with your calorie goal. At this point while you may think that you are eating 1500 a day, it could be a lot more based off of guessing and using measuring cups.

    I took a look at your food diary and found a few logging errors due to the entries that you are using. That will add even more to the problem of eating more than you think that you are. For example you have a 8oz Ribeye steak logged as 80 calories. That is a huge underestimate. That steak is closer to 500 calories. Add that along with other inaccuracies (like the avocado entries, bananas, and all of the other entries labeled generic) and not using a food scale, and it's enough to wipe out your deficit.

    Read this link to help with logging accuracy.


    because my trainer keeps telling me not to track or step on scale I feel like i'm in the middle being pulled, she says only eat nutrient rich foods eat when your hungry and five meals a day, that's not working, I need to loose more and faster, I don't have any issue working out or eating healthy I just need help getting results...I will buy a scale and adjust my daily intake so I feel hungry most of the time and see what happens I guess...you guys are so supportive thank you

    Who is telling you that you have to be hungry most of the time? I don't think a single person in this thread has given you that advice.