Ahhh! I've gotten off track!

I was doing so well and for the past few weeks I've fallen right back into the old eating habits! We're having a "biggest loser" contest at work and I joined in, so hopefully that will help me out. I need to start getting on here everyday for support! I'm still wanting to lose 70 lbs...I'm feeling down like it's so far away from happening. :(


  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    oh girl im with you i keep falling too
  • Nelly711
    Nelly711 Posts: 52
    Don't focus on the 70 lbs you need to lose. Focus more on a smaller number, like 10!! It will be easier to reach, trust me. When I first started my weight loss, I was 172. All I wanted was to be in the 160's....hit that, then I just wanted to be 165, hit that, then was aiming for 159. Hit that...little goals are easier to accomplish. If you fall off the band wagon, start back up.

    Good Luck on your contest!!!!
  • destinationparadise
    It's is hard to stay on track. I work up-town surrounded by yummy restaurants so my will power is always being tested. Today is one of thoses days. I want so much to go to my favorite restaurant for lunch but I know it will cost my 1200 points and this is why I am on here today reading all of the post trying to keep motivated. Joining the contest at work is a great thing for you to do. I have 60 pounds to loose and I know we can do it.
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    its okay what i have learned is that we all will fall but we can always get back up
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Ugh! I've been pretty good about my calorie intake but I've notice that I haven't lost any weight in the past two weeks. I'm sooooo upset and it makes me want to eat (i'm an emotional eater) I know I should up my exercise but its really really hard to find time in my busy schedule. So I sympotize with you!! Just keep trying right?! (Ha I just thought of the movie Finding Nemo with she sings "Just keep swimming Just keep swimming" That's how we should think right!?)
  • ccaym
    ccaym Posts: 86
    I struggle with this, too. It's so easy to get off track. I just keep telling myself to focus on the big picture. Every day, I am getting a little stronger - in mind and in body - despite having "off" days. You will do this! Hang in there.
  • smvamp
    smvamp Posts: 32
    It's ok...you're still doing great. I've fallen off too. Was just saying that this morning. I HAVE to get back to work. I have 50lbs to lose, and I don't want to make excuses. You can do it...and there is encouragement here to help you through!
  • adia1983
    adia1983 Posts: 6
    Thanks y'all! It's really hard. I have so much stuff going on in my life right now and I do eat whenever I'm really emotional- so lately I'm eating everything and not counting calories! :( I started back today though, so hopefully I can get back on track with the weight loss. I think it's a good idea to make small goals. I'll make one for 10lbs and go from there. :) I need to get on here everyday and read success stories and post, so I can get motivated. :)
  • adia1983
    adia1983 Posts: 6
    Yeah, currently I think I'm about 223 lbs...it's the heaviest I've ever been! I would like to be around 150 or so... I'm hoping to get there and I'm going to try to stop eating whenever I'm upset, sad, stressed..etc..
  • tsstephenson
    Believe me I know exactly what you mean. I have almost reached my first major goal, 150 pounds. I am down 37 pounds from September and the closer I get that harder it gets and the easier it is to fall off the wagon. Yesterday was a total loss for me. I don't even KNOW how many calories I took in but it was WAY too many. Seems to me that with only 5 pounds to go I just get scared. Seems stupid but, there it is. I love my new body but what if I can't cut it? What if I go back to my old way of eating and gain it all back? As long as I never officially make it to 150 then I feel ok. Losing weight is wonderful but its a lot of pressure too. We all struggle and it helps knowing that we are not alone in that struggle. Today is a new day. I am going to fight that fear with everything I have and pray that it doesn't control me. :bigsmile: