i just don't get it, why am i not seeing results.......



  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    no I am not saying that, currently I struggle to meet those calories as I don't feel hungry most of the time, didn't mean to be disrespectful to you guys, i'm just trying to figure out how to get results faster.....
    fitkoc wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    fitkoc wrote: »
    so I need to measure and eat less then?
    Who is telling you that you have to be hungry most of the time? I don't think a single person in this thread has given you that advice.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Your trainer may not be the best person to rely on for how to lose weight, how to eat. Unfortunately her credentials probably do not include being a trained dietician. Though she probably thinks she is a great expert. If you doubt what she's telling you, then don't feel bad to look for an alternate opinion.

    Ultimately losing weight is about how many calories you consume. Some people prefer eating one way or another (clean, low carb, etc.) but in general fad diets that have you eliminate certain foods fail because most people don't want to give up a food permanently.

    A food scale will help you improve your logging accuracy. And stick around - this is a good community to hang around. :)
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited March 2015
    fitkoc wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    fitkoc wrote: »
    so I need to measure and eat less then?

    You will find that weighing your food will help you be more accurate with your calorie goal. At this point while you may think that you are eating 1500 a day, it could be a lot more based off of guessing and using measuring cups.

    I took a look at your food diary and found a few logging errors due to the entries that you are using. That will add even more to the problem of eating more than you think that you are. For example you have a 8oz Ribeye steak logged as 80 calories. That is a huge underestimate. That steak is closer to 500 calories. Add that along with other inaccuracies (like the avocado entries, bananas, and all of the other entries labeled generic) and not using a food scale, and it's enough to wipe out your deficit.

    Read this link to help with logging accuracy.


    because my trainer keeps telling me not to track or step on scale I feel like i'm in the middle being pulled, she says only eat nutrient rich foods eat when your hungry and five meals a day, that's not working, I need to loose more and faster, I don't have any issue working out or eating healthy I just need help getting results...I will buy a scale and adjust my daily intake so I feel hungry most of the time and see what happens I guess...you guys are so supportive thank you

    Why would you want to feel hungry most of the time? I almost never feel hungry, and I lost 36 pounds over 7 months and am just 3 pound from my ultimate goal weight. That just sounds like a slippery slope to me, being in a hurry to lose the last 20 lbs, restricting foods...

    Just get a food scale, eat 1500 calories as is accurately measured by the scale, do workouts you enjoy, and relax. It's okay to enjoy the process!

    If you're overly hungry, make different food choices that give you more volume for the same calories.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    fitkoc wrote: »
    so I need to measure and eat less then?

    You will find that weighing your food will help you be more accurate with your calorie goal. At this point while you may think that you are eating 1500 a day, it could be a lot more based off of guessing and using measuring cups.

    I took a look at your food diary and found a few logging errors due to the entries that you are using. That will add even more to the problem of eating more than you think that you are. For example you have a 8oz Ribeye steak logged as 80 calories. That is a huge underestimate. That steak is closer to 500 calories. Add that along with other inaccuracies (like the avocado entries, bananas, and all of the other entries labeled generic) and not using a food scale, and it's enough to wipe out your deficit.

    Read this link to help with logging accuracy.


    because my trainer keeps telling me not to track or step on scale I feel like i'm in the middle being pulled, she says only eat nutrient rich foods eat when your hungry and five meals a day, that's not working, I need to loose more and faster, I don't have any issue working out or eating healthy I just need help getting results...I will buy a scale and adjust my daily intake so I feel hungry most of the time and see what happens I guess...you guys are so supportive thank you

    You don't need to feel hungry to get results. Make sure to eat foods high in protein to help with the hunger. There is no need to lower your calorie goal. You can lose on 1500, but my point was that while you think that you are eating 1500 you are eating a lot more than that due to your logging and measuring errors.

    As far as the trainer goes, unless they are a registered dietitian I would take nutritional advice from them with a grain of salt.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    edited March 2015
    fitkoc wrote: »
    ok, I had total hysterectomy surgury sept 9 2014, got the green light by DR to resume my life in full including exercise and diet oct 21 2014, 189 lbs I started tracking in fitness pal and didn't get results then I hired a trainer on nov 17/14 to get me started with a weight program slowly, obviously with abdominal surgery I had to be careful at first, but the sweat was pouring off. have been watching what I eat, mainly whole grains, cook my own food as I live out of town and restaurants aren't usually a problem, even then I usually order sweet potato fries as I love them! I drink the lemon water each day, I drink 4 L of water daily, fruit in the morning, veggies in the afternoon, I weight train 3 days a week now and off days doing HIIT for 20 mins and weekends tons of walking with the dog and housecleaning of course! I am set for 1500 cal a day, however I still have a hard time filling that some days, i'm not hungry, I force a few carrots here and there, I do protein shakes within half hour of my weight training for muscle recovery including flax or hemp with it for extra nutrition, I have been sleeping really well and feeling generally excellent since I started this. my problem is I haven't been able to loose weight, I am down a bit but I would like to see more results, my trainer says i'm doing great and keep it up, I understand I must make this a lifestyle and for the most part I eat this way anyways, my only vice is wine on occasion, we live in cottage country and are very social atmosphere, I combat that with drinking water between glasses of wine to keep hydrated. I do feel a bit stronger and tighter, but when I step on the scale - nada......what else can I do to help this along I want to be at my goal weight by summertime currently 181 lbs 5"11 45 years old non smoker
    help fitness pals.....

    With all due respect, I think you need to be realistic. There is a difference between what you say you eat and what is logged in your food diary. I couldn't find any whole grains, except the prepackaged lentils once, apart from salad no vegetables, did not see the carrots and it seems that you are doing fine with 1500 calories ( which is a very good thing ), because otherwise you would not go over.
    Also, your method of measuring is not correct. You seem to eat 1 cup measures of sweet potato fries only. Measuring something like fries in a cup is extremely in accurate and I am willing to bet they have a lot more calories than you log. Also, even if the cup measure were correct, how do you assure that it is the same amount of calories every day ? That is impossible to do.
    Also don't just look for the lowest calorie count possible. Since the calorie data base is open to all, a lot of errors slip in. A half avocado has more than 65 calories for example. I know that it is difficult to know and I would suggest you only chose the numbers that have " USDA" with them or at least chose the ones that have several confirmation.....at least until you are more informed about calorie content.
    I think once you start weighing all your food and logging correctly, you will see what was wrong with your approach, will be able to make adjustments and be successful.
    Good Luck !
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »

    because my trainer keeps telling me not to track or step on scale I feel like i'm in the middle being pulled, she says only eat nutrient rich foods eat when your hungry and five meals a day, that's not working, I need to loose more and faster, I don't have any issue working out or eating healthy I just need help getting results...I will buy a scale and adjust my daily intake so I feel hungry most of the time and see what happens I guess...you guys are so supportive thank you

    What? That doesn't make sense, isn't healthy and is not the road to weight loss.

    What kind of credentials does your trainer have?
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    OK, now I see that you ARE tracking, but holy inaccuracy!

    1 banana--no weight, no size...some bananas are twice the size of others, and bananas are so full of calories and carbs that you really need to be precise with them. I'm kind of surprised that the database even gives you that option.

    If you are going to bother to track, do it carefully, otherwise it is really useless.
  • Lezavargas
    Lezavargas Posts: 223 Member
    Just because your eating "healthy" foods doesnt neccessarily mean you are eating what is healthy for your individual body. Minir food allergies can wreak havok on weightloss by causing inflammation and water retention. Listen to your body's cues. Maybe there is something that is causing you to feel bloated or gassy? That could be a food sensitivity. Also, whole grains in breads can cause long term elevated blood sugar levels. I couldnt lose any weight until I isolated the foods that were not healthy for me, regardless of how healthy they were considered to be.
  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    Lezavargas wrote: »
    Just because your eating "healthy" foods doesnt neccessarily mean you are eating what is healthy for your individual body. Minir food allergies can wreak havok on weightloss by causing inflammation and water retention. Listen to your body's cues. Maybe there is something that is causing you to feel bloated or gassy? That could be a food sensitivity. Also, whole grains in breads can cause long term elevated blood sugar levels. I couldnt lose any weight until I isolated the foods that were not healthy for me, regardless of how healthy they were considered to be.

    yes correct, I have found out that any more than a few tablespoons of milk adds to the mystery, bloat and gassy forsure, I drink almond milk now and have no issues, I try to stay away from bread unless its sprouted whole grain and loaded with fiber
  • shreddedtrooper
    shreddedtrooper Posts: 107 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »

    because my trainer keeps telling me not to track or step on scale I feel like i'm in the middle being pulled, she says only eat nutrient rich foods eat when your hungry and five meals a day, that's not working, I need to loose more and faster, I don't have any issue working out or eating healthy I just need help getting results...I will buy a scale and adjust my daily intake so I feel hungry most of the time and see what happens I guess...you guys are so supportive thank you

    What? That doesn't make sense, isn't healthy and is not the road to weight loss.

    What kind of credentials does your trainer have?

    The Bro-Science is strong w/that trainer it sounds like... yikes and yikes.

    Plenty of good info OP. Adjust accordingly
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    OP, this thread should illustrate why a scale is necessary.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »

    because my trainer keeps telling me not to track or step on scale I feel like i'm in the middle being pulled, she says only eat nutrient rich foods eat when your hungry and five meals a day, that's not working, I need to loose more and faster, I don't have any issue working out or eating healthy I just need help getting results...I will buy a scale and adjust my daily intake so I feel hungry most of the time and see what happens I guess...you guys are so supportive thank you

    What? That doesn't make sense, isn't healthy and is not the road to weight loss.

    What kind of credentials does your trainer have?

    The Bro-Science is strong w/that trainer it sounds like... yikes and yikes.

    Plenty of good info OP. Adjust accordingly

    Want to bet that the trainer only has a high-school education and *maybe* some kind of quicky certificate?

  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    shocking! thanks for your help, I will keep trucking along....
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    If you have lost a little bit and trimmed up a lot, changed a lot of habits in your life and your fitness trainer is saying you are doing great, I think you are doing great. Your BMI is just a smidge in to the "overweight" range. I figure if you continue with your fitness goals and trim up your diet just a little bit (maybe 100 cals less per day), see what happens to your weight loss.

    Personally, I would pick fitness and inches goals instead of weight. You are doing so many things right to a healthy life.
  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    fitkoc wrote: »

    because my trainer keeps telling me not to track or step on scale I feel like i'm in the middle being pulled, she says only eat nutrient rich foods eat when your hungry and five meals a day, that's not working, I need to loose more and faster, I don't have any issue working out or eating healthy I just need help getting results...I will buy a scale and adjust my daily intake so I feel hungry most of the time and see what happens I guess...you guys are so supportive thank you

    What? That doesn't make sense, isn't healthy and is not the road to weight loss.

    What kind of credentials does your trainer have?

    The Bro-Science is strong w/that trainer it sounds like... yikes and yikes.

    Plenty of good info OP. Adjust accordingly

    Want to bet that the trainer only has a high-school education and *maybe* some kind of quicky certificate?
    actually I asked that question when I first began, she is in university and often uses us as her test projects for her papers about nutrition, I posed my frustrations to her yesterday as well (my rant of help) and she wants me to track for 2 weeks as well to see where the food issues are, again she wants me to focus on portion size like you guys.....there is no doubt her workouts are working as i'm loosing inches just not weight, it's hard to change the idea in your head that the scale dictates happiness in yourself, but it does overall. I do feel stronger and healthier and it shows by sleeping well and feeling well, so nutrient based eating works for your overall health. I was just feeling really frustrated yesterday that since nov I really haven't changed much for all this work. i'm a person that needs that measurement to keep me going, I guess like a report card of doing well with this healthy start way of living
  • christinatreminio
    fitkoc wrote: »
    ok, I had total hysterectomy surgury sept 9 2014, got the green light by DR to resume my life in full including exercise and diet oct 21 2014, 189 lbs I started tracking in fitness pal and didn't get results then I hired a trainer on nov 17/14 to get me started with a weight program slowly, obviously with abdominal surgery I had to be careful at first, but the sweat was pouring off. have been watching what I eat, mainly whole grains, cook my own food as I live out of town and restaurants aren't usually a problem, even then I usually order sweet potato fries as I love them! I drink the lemon water each day, I drink 4 L of water daily, fruit in the morning, veggies in the afternoon, I weight train 3 days a week now and off days doing HIIT for 20 mins and weekends tons of walking with the dog and housecleaning of course! I am set for 1500 cal a day, however I still have a hard time filling that some days, i'm not hungry, I force a few carrots here and there, I do protein shakes within half hour of my weight training for muscle recovery including flax or hemp with it for extra nutrition, I have been sleeping really well and feeling generally excellent since I started this. my problem is I haven't been able to loose weight, I am down a bit but I would like to see more results, my trainer says i'm doing great and keep it up, I understand I must make this a lifestyle and for the most part I eat this way anyways, my only vice is wine on occasion, we live in cottage country and are very social atmosphere, I combat that with drinking water between glasses of wine to keep hydrated. I do feel a bit stronger and tighter, but when I step on the scale - nada......what else can I do to help this along I want to be at my goal weight by summertime currently 181 lbs 5"11 45 years old non smoker
    help fitness pals.....

  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    If you have lost a little bit and trimmed up a lot, changed a lot of habits in your life and your fitness trainer is saying you are doing great, I think you are doing great. Your BMI is just a smidge in to the "overweight" range. I figure if you continue with your fitness goals and trim up your diet just a little bit (maybe 100 cals less per day), see what happens to your weight loss.

    Personally, I would pick fitness and inches goals instead of weight. You are doing so many things right to a healthy life.
    thank you so much for the support, again being new to getting my life organized finally I guess i'm impatient.....
  • christinatreminio
    Hi there! I am in the same boat. Well, I didn't have surgery but I have to take a medication for a herniated disk and this medicine makes it extremely difficult to lose weight for me so know your struggle. What about thyroid problems? That is such a common problem with women. Keep doing what your doing because it sounds like you are doing all the right things:) My goal weight for the summer is 140. I am 153 now:(
  • fitkoc
    fitkoc Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there! I am in the same boat. Well, I didn't have surgery but I have to take a medication for a herniated disk and this medicine makes it extremely difficult to lose weight for me so know your struggle. What about thyroid problems? That is such a common problem with women. Keep doing what your doing because it sounds like you are doing all the right things:) My goal weight for the summer is 140. I am 153 now:(

    hey there, my thyroid was checked last year when I has having all those problems, thanks for thinking of that though....actually it was my constant pain that my dr did all those tests and discovered I needed surgery, very thankful for that.... how tall are you? what works for you? do you feel hungry all the time?