I'm too weak for this app; can't stop eating!

Any motivational words?


  • suitcasemary
    suitcasemary Posts: 2 Member
    I get it. I started Tuesday, and Wednesday saw me eating crap.
    Keep your eye on the ball.
    You really don't want to keep increasing your weight.
    Picture yourself thin. That has helped me in the past.
    Now to follow my own advice. Lol
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    From Web MD

    How can I control compulsive eating?

    Seek help. It can be hard to stop overeating on your own, particularly if there are deep-rooted emotional problems involved, says Robin B. Kanarek, PhD, professor of psychology at Tufts University. Working with a counselor can help you uncover the psychological triggers -- like a negative body image -- that may be driving your behavior.

    Avoid labels. “Understand that you’re not a bad person doing bad things,” May says. “Labeling yourself can become a self-fulfilling prophecy in terms of continuing the cycle.”

    The same goes for labeling foods. “Food is food -- it’s not ‘good’ or ‘bad,’” Kanarek says. “It can be hard to get over those deeply held beliefs, but research shows that if you eat what you deem a ‘bad’ food, you’re more likely to overeat afterward.”

    Take a pause. When you feel like eating, pause for a moment and ask yourself: Am I hungry? “Sometimes people get so focused on what they want to eat that they don’t stop and ask themselves why they want to eat,” May says. If you use food as a coping tool, you may be out of touch with the cues that signal hunger or fullness, and it’s important to bring your awareness back to your body.

    Change your environment. “A habit is very often simply a behavior that’s on autopilot,” Hudnall says. Making a tweak to your environment can return your focus to your behavior and give you a chance to make a more purposeful decision. For example, Hudnall says, “if you always sit in a certain chair to eat, move it to a different place in the room -- or sit somewhere else entirely.”

    Give into cravings -- in moderation. Banning foods can cause you to overeat them later on. If you’re really craving something -- even if you’re not hungry -- give yourself permission to have a small amount.

    End restrictive diets. “Overeating and restrictive eating are often two sides of the same coin,” May says. “Deprivation can be a trigger for overeating just like stress, anger, or anxiety.”

  • lilykabir26
    lilykabir26 Posts: 7 Member
    Lol suitcasemary. Goodluck go us both ! And mrs Goodwine, thank you for sending me such an informative piece. I think I tend to over eat due to boredom ! Lol
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Perhaps see it as a way to find out where you are right now, what a typical day's calories is. Then make a change, like better breakfast choices. Then next week make better breakfast and lunch choices, and so on, making small changes. Soon you'll be wanting to make sure your numbers stay out of the red and you'll be on your way.
  • lilykabir26
    lilykabir26 Posts: 7 Member
    It's the dreaded rice and curry that lets me down. Being an Asian it's a staple dish in my home and I would stop cooking eat if it wasn't for my husband and children !
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    You could still eat your rice and curry, you just have to measure a smaller serving than what you are used to. Hopefully you have your weight loss goal at 0.5 lb/wk, especially since you only have 14 lbs to lose, don't go with a higher number. Enjoy the foods that you usually eat, but just eat smaller portions of it... make sure that they fit into your daily calories. There are no good or bad foods for weight loss. The only important thing is to eat at the calorie deficit that was given to you.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2015
    I see that your goal is 14 pounds... Do it slow... Do not be in a hurry because with this "little" bit of weight to come off will be a bit challenging than those that have 2, 3, 4 times more.

    I lost 8 pounds since November 2014 and hovering around 5 more pounds but my goals changed as I no longer want to be "skinny fat" any more. I am now lifting weights and doing cardio 6 days a week to just get leaner and I forgive the last 5 pounds that won't come off! LOL

    I decided I wanted to look good naked not necessarily lose 5 more pounds.

    BTW, you have the prettiest skin and your make up in your picture is awesome!
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    I see that your goal is 14 pounds... Do it slow... Do not be in a hurry because with this "little" bit of weight to come off will be a bit challenging than those that have 2, 3, 4 times more.

    I lost 8 pounds since November 2014 and hovering around 5 more pounds but my goals changed as I no longer want to be "skinny fat" any more. I am now lifting weights and doing cardio 6 days a week to just get leaner and I forgive the last 5 pounds that won't come off! LOL

    I decided I wanted to look good naked not necessarily lost 5 more pounds.

    BTW, you have the prettiest skin and your make up in your picture is awesome!

    This. You don't have much weight you want to lose. That tells me you're eating habits are already pretty good. You don't need to make drastic changes.

    Set your goals for a half pound a week. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of protein. Add some strength training. Track your progress through more than just the scale. Go by how clothes fit, measurements, progress photos and fitness goals. You might hit your goal body before you hit your goal weight.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    Your body achieves what your mind believes~
  • lilykabir26
    lilykabir26 Posts: 7 Member
    edited March 2015
    gia07 wrote: »
    I see that your goal is 14 pounds... Do it slow... Do not be in a hurry because with this "little" bit of weight to come off will be a bit challenging than those that have 2, 3, 4 times more.

    I lost 8 pounds since November 2014 and hovering around 5 more pounds but my goals changed as I no longer want to be "skinny fat" any more. I am now lifting weights and doing cardio 6 days a week to just get leaner and I forgive the last 5 pounds that won't come off! LOL

    I decided I wanted to look good naked not necessarily lose 5 more pounds.

    BTW, you have the prettiest skin and your make up in your picture is awesome!

    Thank you all for the lovely advice and gia also for complimenting me . *blush *
    And congratulations on your weight loss so far!
    All the best for the future
  • lilykabir26
    lilykabir26 Posts: 7 Member
    edited March 2015
    My problem is my medication( heart and menopause ) and believe it or not few months ago I was a size 8 but now bordering on 14 and my health specialist said it will continue to rise due to the meds. *sigh*
    Hence why I have decided to combat this the only way I know - less eating ! Can't do much exercise due to my heart conditions which is such a shame . Last Zumba class I went to almost killed me. ( exaggerating here of course )
    I'm loving this site and so glad I joined now especially seeing all this support. Have a lovely evening everyone.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You decide how important this is to you, and you take control.
  • sugarpeas
    sugarpeas Posts: 56 Member
    People might think I'm crazy but... stop worrying at first how much and what you're eating.
    Just track and make it a habbit. Over time the switch will just happen.
    For a while I was drinking a frap from Starbucks 3-4 times a week.... after I kept logging it and seeing WHY I was gaining weight ( not just starbucks, that's an example ) I slowly started making changes.
    When the tracking becomes a habbit start slowly making a change or adjusting the amount you have.
    So going back to the Starbucks instead of getting a grande I would buy a tall. Once you see that small decisions make bigger changes and you see results it will become easier and more of a habbit.
    Even though I stopped tracking constantly for about a week it is still a big enough habbit that it's easier for me to get back on track now...
    sorry if this is a little all over the place.... haa ha
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    Just stick to it and keep logging. I do my best to account for just about everything I eat. I'm not super duper strict about every. little. thing. But overall, if I eat it, I log it. Which, for me, has come to serve another important purpose beyond actually counting calories, it makes me stop and reevaluate my choices before I make them. Especially when it comes to snacking. If I eat this, will it leave me enough calories for the rest of the day where I can still have a healthful, satisfying lunch/dinner? Is it really worth the calories? Am I even hungry? Are a few of the things that go through my head.

  • Smiley_Emi123
    Smiley_Emi123 Posts: 99 Member
    It's ok to have ups and downs just keep logging!! Even if some days your wayyyy over your calorie goal MFP here we can help you motivate you and we WILL accept you!
  • innecam
    innecam Posts: 4 Member
    Any motivational words?

    If you are like I am when it comes to over eating, I first look at what's eating me. Why am I sad or angry etc... So I take it to the lord and give it to him with prayer, then I feel more in control over the matter thus over the over eating. You can do this!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    To the OP, I like what @sugarpeas" said. Once you start logging and review your diary you will just "mentally" start making small changes a little at a time.

    The reason I like what she said is, it took me over a month to stop "weight gain" and once I started logging my food for the next month I saw changes (small ones at first) that helped me stop gaining.. It was another month before I saw weight shifting on the scale...

    Your approach to making changes is your personal choices and you will decide what and how to make changes.... it will just be a "light bulb" flashing off in your head...

    I do not know how to explain it but it does and will happen... MFP tool is awesome if you are honest with it and yourself!!

    Good luck... you got this!
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,415 Member
    Your other option is to move more. I do not *like* eating below 1600 or so calories a day. Therefore I move enough to burn an extra 400 calories a day, so that I can eat what I want and still achieve my caloric goals.
  • pwisely
    pwisely Posts: 8
    edited March 2015
    Any motivational words?

    Just make sure to log it all, even if you're WAY OVER your goal and its all junk food. Log it all / barcode scan every thing you eat and that way you see it in front of you, no hiding, no secret foods that you didn't input, etc.

    Eventually even if it's been a week of terrible food choices, it's there in front of you on your log and you can't hide from it. It'll make you wanna change.

    LOG IT ALL- cookies, chips, everything. Even if its only like 5 potato chips, then put 0.25 servings or however much it is according to the label.

  • sugarpeas
    sugarpeas Posts: 56 Member
    When beginning to log you could start with smaller goals in addition.
    So maybe it's to drink more water the first week. Then possibly have fruit instead of cookies. Or you will only have 1 cookie instead of X amount.

    Some people can do a 180 switch and be good but others can't. Personally I have to make small changes but not so small that I don't see change.

    So for me that was starbucks. Quiting it completely isn't practical right now. So I make small changes there. And ever so often I don't go at all.

    Write your goals and other progresses in a book. Yes you want to scale to change but there are other things that MFP doesn't tell you that could help you stay motivated even if the scale doesn't move.

    Maybe you aren't breaking out as much, your hair seems to growning faster, better sleep, better sex life, clothes are fitting better, cravings for certain foods aren't as often.