What the...?

I'm sure it's just bad beginner's luck, but why, after 3 weeks of doing this, at least what I think is the right way, have I pretty much maintained a weight, but not lost? (I did loose 4 pounds my first week, but nothing since.) What do I need to do to push myself over the edge and start losing consistently? My goal is a pound a week - I don't think that's too much to ask. I'm almost always under my calorie goal (or at lease right at) every day and I'm doing way more exercise now than I ever have on a regular basis. What gives?


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    More hard core workouts, more protein!
  • Ibe_Theninja
    Just dont give up!!! muscle weighs more than fat and burns more calories to..... its all about the measurements verses the pounds :wink:
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    increase your water intake and watch your sodium levels. Make sure you are eating a mimimum of 1200 calories including after a workout. make sure you eat enough and eat some exercise calories back.
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks for opening your diary for viewing. It's great that you are exercising regularly and watching calories! My only comment after viewing a few weeks of your food diary is that you could improve the quality of the foods you are eating. There are a lot of processed and fast foods on your list, and plenty of beef and sausage. Perhaps if you add more fruits/vegetables/salads/whole grains, switch to chicken and fish, further limit your sweets/fast food/high salt intake, and grill/bake your food at home you'd see better results.
    Hope this helps.
  • codexavellum
    codexavellum Posts: 112
    Just dont give up!!! muscle weighs more than fat and burns more calories to..... its all about the measurements verses the pounds :wink:

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound. Muscle just takes up much less room.
  • Peridotite
    Peridotite Posts: 66
    Trust me I am no expert BUT having looked at your diary you are not drinking enough water (unles you don't keep track of it) and you are not eating all of your calories. It is very important to eat back at least half (but really it should be all) of your exercise calories. Plus after an initial big loss you sometimes level out for a week or so, so don't give up and keep at it.

    Remember, You can do it!!!!!:smile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Just dont give up!!! muscle weighs more than fat and burns more calories to..... its all about the measurements verses the pounds :wink:

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound. Muscle just takes up much less room.

    Of course a pound is a pound but that doens't mean muscled doesn't weigh more than fat. That's like saying a rhino doesn't weigh more than a feather because a pound of rhino doesn't weigh more than a pound of feathers.
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    increase your water intake and watch your sodium levels. Make sure you are eating a mimimum of 1200 calories including after a workout. make sure you eat enough and eat some exercise calories back.

    This. Try tracking your sodium and drink a LOT more water and see if that makes a difference.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    My weight loss pattern is like a pendulum.... I show a loss on one day, the next it's gone, but the low number continues to get lower and in the process, I've lost almost 80 pounds... I always felt like I wasn't losing weight because of that pendulum effect. I'm not sure why my body is like that, but I would like to encourage you and tell you to track it over a few more weeks, don't give up, or you'll not get there.... But keep consistent and you'll eventually see results.

    One person said a pound is a pound, and that's true, but some pounds look a lot better (muscle is tight, lean and attractive, and fat is dimpled, unhealthy, and unattractive... ever heard of skinny fat people?) . And don't believe a calorie is just a calorie either... different types of calories have different effects in your body. Try sticking with whole grains, protein, and fruit. Then you'll lose "fat" and feel great too.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Thanks for opening your diary for viewing. It's great that you are exercising regularly and watching calories! My only comment after viewing a few weeks of your food diary is that you could improve the quality of the foods you are eating. There are a lot of processed and fast foods on your list, and plenty of beef and sausage. Perhaps if you add more fruits/vegetables/salads/whole grains, switch to chicken and fish, further limit your sweets/fast food/high salt intake, and grill/bake your food at home you'd see better results.
    Hope this helps.

    I agree. I went and looked at your food and you are not eating breakfast, just drinking a coffee and then you are eating a lot of prepared foods for your other meals. Breakfast is a huge contribution to metabolism. If you eat it is helps you body have energy and stamina and gets the metaboliam fired up. If you skip it you will feel sluggish and hungry and then when you do eat your body takes it and stores it not knowing when it will be fed again.

    I think you should work at adding something for breakfast and adding some fruits and veggies. Track your water too.

    Best wishes.
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    You seem to be eating a lot of Carbs and Fat!! I would recommend lowering both!! I have my carbs set at 120g per day and fat at 40g per day!!! Just go to "settings ---> Goals ----> Change goals ----> Custom"

    I was told to do this by a friend and it got me over my month and a half plateau!!
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks for opening your diary for viewing. It's great that you are exercising regularly and watching calories! My only comment after viewing a few weeks of your food diary is that you could improve the quality of the foods you are eating. There are a lot of processed and fast foods on your list, and plenty of beef and sausage. Perhaps if you add more fruits/vegetables/salads/whole grains, switch to chicken and fish, further limit your sweets/fast food/high salt intake, and grill/bake your food at home you'd see better results.
    Hope this helps.
    I agree. I went and looked at your food and you are not eating breakfast, just drinking a coffee and then you are eating a lot of prepared foods for your other meals. Breakfast is a huge contribution to metabolism. If you eat it is helps you body have energy and stamina and gets the metaboliam fired up. If you skip it you will feel sluggish and hungry and then when you do eat your body takes it and stores it not knowing when it will be fed again.

    I think you should work at adding something for breakfast and adding some fruits and veggies. Track your water too.

    Best wishes.

    This is some great advice. A good breakfast with some whole grains and fruit would be a great way to start your day. A good breakfast really gets the metabolism going for the day. I cut out beef several years ago and really noticed a huge difference in the way I feel. Also, make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night - if you can get more that would be great. Also, another good way to cut out calories that do not benefit you is to do away with all sodas. They are just empty calories that don't contribute to your nutrition. Water is a great substitution. Keep up the hard work - it will pay off!
  • jessicaj_824
    jessicaj_824 Posts: 114 Member
    You should add the sodium and sugar columns to your diary and adjust the settings for these two items. My trainer had me set my sugar at 25g max and the sodium at 1500 max. This was a big eye opener for me as I used to be low in calories but high in these two things. The only way I can stay around these levels is to cook my own food.
  • Ibe_Theninja
    Just dont give up!!! muscle weighs more than fat and burns more calories to..... its all about the measurements verses the pounds :wink:

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound. Muscle just takes up much less room.

    well tell that to my Dr then buddy!! Thanks!
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Just dont give up!!! muscle weighs more than fat and burns more calories to..... its all about the measurements verses the pounds :wink:

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound. Muscle just takes up much less room.

    Of course a pound is a pound but that doens't mean muscled doesn't weigh more than fat. That's like saying a rhino doesn't weigh more than a feather because a pound of rhino doesn't weigh more than a pound of feathers.
  • jkgeiger
    jkgeiger Posts: 14
    Thank you to everyone for your advice. I hate to admit it, and the truth hurts, but you're for the most part you all are right. I try hard not to eat processed foods - I cook dinner just about every night and eat those leftovers for lunch, but I'm sure it's more than I realize. The sugar, sodium, fat and other things are things I haven't paid much attention too - mostly just calories. I'll take the advice to heart and keep going. Why give up now? Thanks again!!:happy:
  • jentidd
    jentidd Posts: 80
    Make sure you have selected the correct activity level. Since I really started paying attention to the calories that I' m burning with my HRM I am realizing that hauling through the store/ parking lot with grocery carts, running up and down the stairs with kids and laundry and cleaning and all those things are extra calories that I am burning and they count. So if we burn all those calories we have to put them back too!
  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    Also you may want to increase what you have at breakfast. I also enjoy a coffee to get going in the morning but you need to add a little more to get your body up and moving also wakes up your metabolism.