Hi! It's my first day.

I really like it here so far. Lots of info and the site is easy to use.


  • Cabrakan
    Cabrakan Posts: 20
    hiya! I'm in the same boat, first day here as well ... finding lots of useful tools and inspiration :)
  • MynameisJerryB
    MynameisJerryB Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome!!! Lots of good information and friendly folks on here
  • smorris142896
    smorris142896 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey guys, I'm sorta new (a month and a half) and I have had great success in that time and would love to help and connect with new people :) Add me and send me a message!
  • annied1961
    Hi Everybody: Welcome
    I've been logging for 27 days and I've finally started to lose weight-9 lbs. So far!
    I'm going to throw down a challenge to anyone who wants to look good and get healthy.
    Believe In You!
    Eat less than the calories prescribed and you'll lose weight-add exercise to your program and you'll tone up as you lose and you'll be able to eat more that day.
    Show yourself what you can do!!!!!!!!!
    Summer's Coming!!!

  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome! We have all had our first day on here. I have actually had many first days. lol I have lost 127 lbs with 123 to go. It's been quite a journey and I hope you will able to achieve your goals. Anyone can feel free to add me for support.
  • Carly1GA
    Carly1GA Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, everyone! Nice to meet you!
  • jj_steele
    jj_steele Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! Welcome to myfitnesspal. Good luck with your journey.
  • MimiOfTheFraserValley
    MimiOfTheFraserValley Posts: 108 Member
    Hi to all your newcomers!! :smiley:
  • Carly1GA
    Carly1GA Posts: 5 Member
    So far, so good--two days in a row logging in and noting my food and exercise. I was bad today and had too much sugar, but I'm still under my calorie limit, so yay! Tomorrow will be a better, healthier day. :smile:
  • AmyMaku
    AmyMaku Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome! :)