new weight loss journey... help

Im really trying to loose weight... anyone have tips for me


  • Amber_hanson27
    Amber_hanson27 Posts: 66 Member
    Be strong. Willpower is a must. You can do this. Be honest about what you put in your body. Do not take failure as an.option. Friend me if you like.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Enter your stats into mfp's calculator, work out how many calories you need to eat daily to lose weight. Incorporate exercise if you wish.
    Get yourself a kitchen scale and weigh, measure and log your food. And you're off :D:+1:
  • mammabear1193
    mammabear1193 Posts: 36 Member
    Whatever your long term goal is you will get there! You just have to stay motivated! Watching what you eat is a big factor and exercise only helps it! What helps me is I reward myself with a little treat once a week, it helps me to keep going! Find new ways to add fruits and vegetables to your diet like smoothis an omlettes. Good luck!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Don't quit. Literally everything else, you can sort out as you go.
    Be patient, the process takes time.
    Forgive yourself when you screw up.
    Do whatever you can to make the process as simple and easy as you can.
    Don't quit!