How many diets and gimmicks have you tried?



  • Kmn927
    Kmn927 Posts: 16
    I have tried them all.....I just canceled my Weight Watchers online .....It does not work for me....I am now using Sensa....along with 4 days a week at the gym and watching what I am eating. MFP is a great tool.
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Weight Watchers over 4 decades and still trying...but when Points came in...I went out.
    Now I have found MFP and the tools and just feel the freedom of "budgeting" my calories each day. It is working very well.
    21 days in and 11 pounds gone. Hunger is controled with good choices.

    No other attempt ever lasted past the first few months of Maintenance. This time its about STICKING with it through a good solid MAINTENANCE plan ...
    so doing calories and tracking and remembering what it is like to eat the right sized portions.

    You are so right magic just do the math.

    less in and more moving.
  • jmwaldren
    jmwaldren Posts: 2 Member
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