Lean Cuisine

Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
Is anyone out there having any success losing weight eating Lean Cuisine dinners, or should we stay away from them all together?


  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I keep a few on hand for emergency lunches/dinners, but the sodium content is extrememly high. I wouldn't use them for everyday eating. Remember to always drink plenty of water too.
  • Soon_to_be_Rigby
    I eat the weight watchers ones and they are actually pretty good. And yes, the sodium is a little high but I don't have much else with lots of sodium so it balances out.

    Good luck to you!
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    I keep a few on hand for emergency lunches/dinners, but the sodium content is extrememly high. I wouldn't use them for everyday eating. Remember to always drink plenty of water too.

  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    I eat them everyday for lunch...but i also push more than 90 oz of water a day....it seems to work for me!
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    i ate the healthy choice cafe steamers for 2 months for lunch everyday and still had lots of success with weight loss. I try to mix it up more now just to keep lunch interesting
  • snowflakelaia
    snowflakelaia Posts: 214
    I've never had any frozen dinner/meal from the store. I usually cook extra on weekends, divide into portions in tupperwares and there I have my frozen meals for emergencies.

    I like knowing what's in my food, and store frozen meals sound way too processed.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Before I had my second child I lost 40lbs eating those for all my lunches so...it can be done
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    I eat them everyday for lunch...but i also push more than 90 oz of water a day....it seems to work for me!

    I eat them everyday for lunch as well...I drink 80 to 100 ounces of water a day and I don't eat much else with alot of sodium so I stay under 2300 mgs a day. It's working for me :happy:
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    I eat them for lunch or dinner when I dont have time to cook or am craving sum alfredo but know I cant be going to Olive Garden hehe, I would say try to keep it one a day at most though so your sodium dosent get crazy and drink lots of water of course:) So no worries, have your Lean Cusine, I lost 60lbs durring my first year of weight Watchers and ate these about 4 times a week so I think your good hun :)
  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    I take them to work at the Mall 4 x a week. It is a much better choice than food court selectionss full of fat. I pair them with fresh fruit, water with crystal light and a piece of string cheese for extra protien. I find they have helped me stay on track and not give in to the pizza, shakes and other choices I would have made, not to mention the money I save buying them on sale!
  • HilarieXcore
    HilarieXcore Posts: 214 Member
    I actually like the Michelina's Lean stuff better. The Chicken Club flatbread had about 70 calories less than the Lean Cuisine flatbread with the same toppings.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    i prefer healthy choice over lean cuisine...
    i dont like the food quality of the lean cuisine.

    but if you like it then go ahead. but i would only save it for when you dont have time to cook and you need something quick and easy calorie count for a meal. but other than that just avoid it all together.
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    I used to eat them all the time. Gave me horrible stomach pain and I never lost weight. I changed my diet to "eating clean" and now I opt for chicken breast and a sweet potato or salad for lunch and I had MUCH greater success. I vote for staying away from them.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I eat them every now and again (having one tonight for dinner, actually). I'd say maybe once a week. Usually on a night when hubby's not home and I don't want to do any cooking. Most have about 300 cal. / 500 mg sodium, which is good for a frozen meal. I try to pair it with a fresh veggie salad of some sort to balance it out. There are lots of them without preservatives, too...
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    It depends on your focus. Some people are calorie only and eating a lean cuisine works for them. I dislike the fact that it's mostly processed food and usually are higher in sodium than I like.
  • BlackRose278
    BlackRose278 Posts: 37 Member
    Last year, I decided to eat them 3 times a day while working at an art camp. So that plus exercise at night helped me lose about 20 pounds in 3 months. However, when I stopped eating them I gained the weight back. So, if you want to keep the weight off, I suggest eating 2 a day and a regular meal after you lose the weight you want to lose.
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    I eat a Lean Cuisine or WW meal every day for lunch (during the week). It's just easier grabbing something from the freezer to take to work than putting a lunch together every day--for me at least. I drink a ton of water, so I'm not worried about the sodium.

    Is it necessarily "clean" eating? No....but I get variety and I get a known caloric count--and that's what I like!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I don't like the taste. When I'm tracking calories to lose weight and I'm limited to 1500 a day, I want every single calorie to taste good.
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    I keep a few on hand for emergency lunches/dinners, but the sodium content is extrememly high. I wouldn't use them for everyday eating. Remember to always drink plenty of water too.


    Same here. Maybe once a week or every other week I'll have one.