Best at home workout for a near beginner?

Hi there,

first time poster...anyways, I have been looking to expand what I do at home. For a month I've done stationary bike for 1 - 1 1/2 hours a day (broken up over the day). That and eating healthy worked for awhile but I think my body is getting used to it and it's being less effective. I found a home workout to lose body weight, which said it was beginner which was 2-3 circuits of:

20 body weight squats
10 push ups
20 walking lunges
10 dumbbell rows
15 second plank
30 Jumping Jacks

I did that Monday and the soreness still hasn't gone away, so it was obviously too much to start at. I want to add in some kind of total body workouts, without being sore for days and days on end. What's some good things to start with, so I can work up to doing those kinda things above one day (and beyond)?


  • izalac
    izalac Posts: 20 Member
    Google "start bodyweight basic routine" - it has progressions, so you can go from very easy to ultra hard at your own level and pace.

    And yeah, first time you'll be extra sore. Don't worry about it, just keep working out - and don't forget to stretch!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi there,

    first time poster...anyways, I have been looking to expand what I do at home. For a month I've done stationary bike for 1 - 1 1/2 hours a day (broken up over the day). That and eating healthy worked for awhile but I think my body is getting used to it and it's being less effective. I found a home workout to lose body weight, which said it was beginner which was 2-3 circuits of:

    20 body weight squats
    10 push ups
    20 walking lunges
    10 dumbbell rows
    15 second plank
    30 Jumping Jacks

    I did that Monday and the soreness still hasn't gone away, so it was obviously too much to start at. I want to add in some kind of total body workouts, without being sore for days and days on end. What's some good things to start with, so I can work up to doing those kinda things above one day (and beyond)?

    This is the Nerd Fitness beginner's routine, right? That's actually the workout that I started with, on days alternated with walking. I was super sore after the first time too (as in having a hard time walking.) My suggestions are to dial it back a bit at first--lower reps if needed (lunges were super hard for me so I would do sets of 5 or 6 instead of 10), do only 1 or 2 circuits for a couple of weeks and build up to more reps and circuits. Also, STRETCH. I found this video and added it to my routine. I would start by walking on the treadmill for 5 minutes, do all of the stretches in the video, then do the bodyweight workout. Then, I did all of the stretches again. The stretching helped a ton.

    After about 3 months of the NF BBWW I moved onto the startbodyweight workout that izalac mentioned. I think that it, too, is a great routine.
  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    I started that Routine not to long ago - I was in agony for three days after the first time. Next time I did it, I cut back on the number of squats and lunges slightly and made sure I stretched really well after. No soreness. Added in some of the reps back the next time, and time after, and after two weeks I can do two full circuits just fine. Added in half of another circuit last time (I was doing two of them). So don't write it off yet. DOMS are the worst after the first time.
    - Make sure you don't let the DOMS make you be completely innactive, either. Walking, swimming, or just plain moving around is actually really good for decreasing them. Stopping and resting in one position makes your muscles all tight.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    you can look into (they also have a youtube channel) tons of free workout videos that range in length from 5 mins to over an hour, with lots of the types of exercises you listed in your post. and if you go on the website it lists their difficulty from 1-5 and also usually include modifications in the videos themselves. good luck!
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    OK, so they sound lame but have you tried chair workouts? They are really beginner and help to get your body used to moving again. Most of the workout is seated with some weights and some standing workouts depending on which videos you use. I have had a knee replaced and despite working out pretty regularly even I have to sometimes fall back on them when I'm having a really bad pain day.

    But I also agree that perhaps just cut back the reps on that workout or, my other idea is to break up your reps throughout the day same as you do with the bike!!

    I personally, prefer to work out in spurts too!! I'm more likely to get in my time than if I try to do it all at once and well, it breaks up my day!!

    Best of luck!!