Switching from WW

ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
Hi everyone! I've lost 24 pounds since January on WW but am giving MFP a try. I've been looking at some success stories and I'm excited about weight loss again. Have struggled a long time but am determined to lose another 30 pounds so I can keep up with the kiddos.


  • gaylearmstrong
    Good for you. I also was at WW but being a male I hated the meetings and weigh ins. Lost weight but got tired of the routine. Switched to the MyFitnessPal and am hoping to continue the routine. Keep at it we will all support you.
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi! I did WW and had success at losing 150lbs. But then I got pregnant with my 4th child and then my 5th and now I'm here and trying to get on track again. I love this site. Feel free to add me. :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I have gone back and forth a lot. I just quit WW again and I am giving MFP another go. Good luck to all of us!
  • alibslim
    alibslim Posts: 16
    I feel like MFP lets me have more control over my wieght loss instead of WW watching over me like Big Brother! Welcome!!!
  • Toridactyl
    Toridactyl Posts: 19 Member
    I really enjoyed WW when I did it. I did it ONLINE because I, too, did not want to stand up in front of a group each week and step on a scale. Just not my speed.

    My advice when switching from WW to MFP is to give yourself a "calorie range" to stick to. From the very bottom (1200) to whatever your top calorie intake from MFP is. This kind of gives you a similar feel to some of the WW strategies like "flex points" and things like that. I always found it very easy to stay motivated with WW because the system was very forgiving for those days when you JUST HAVE TO HAVE A PIECE OF DAMN CAKE! ;)

    Good luck, great to have you!!

    (I previously lost over 100lbs on WW and kept it off for over 3 years before moving to Seattle, WA and ... succumbing to the weather.;)
  • KristenWidick
    KristenWidick Posts: 1 Member
    I was also on WW, and lost 15 pounds! But as I got closer and closer to my goal weight, it got harder and harder to get the scale to budge. I finally came to the conclusion that "0 point" foods were not 0 calories, and I was eating too much to see significant weight loss following the WW plan. Since switching to MFP, I've lost 10 more pounds! Only 1 1/2 pounds to my goal weight! Good luck!
  • ecmcnamee
    ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm still trying to figure all of this out!! WW was VERY forgiving and like many of you I felt like when I ate a banana, an apple (or 2 or 3) I was kind of cheating. It was great on those days when you just needed to let lose a little. We'll see how this goes. I'm excited about it so that's something.

    I need a little pointer about the exercise ... I have my calorie count for the day but then I added some exercise and the available calories went up obviously ... on WW I tried not to use the "extra" points I got for exercising .. is there a way in the app to not have your caloric intake increase when you exercise or do most of you just put it in at the end of the day?

    Looking forward to being supported and supporting :)
  • ecmcnamee
    ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
    I was also on WW, and lost 15 pounds! But as I got closer and closer to my goal weight, it got harder and harder to get the scale to budge. I finally came to the conclusion that "0 point" foods were not 0 calories, and I was eating too much to see significant weight loss following the WW plan. Since switching to MFP, I've lost 10 more pounds! Only 1 1/2 pounds to my goal weight! Good luck!

    Wow .. really? That's awesome! Congratulations!
  • ladybug1009
    ladybug1009 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm still trying to figure all of this out!! WW was VERY forgiving and like many of you I felt like when I ate a banana, an apple (or 2 or 3) I was kind of cheating. It was great on those days when you just needed to let lose a little. We'll see how this goes. I'm excited about it so that's something.

    I need a little pointer about the exercise ... I have my calorie count for the day but then I added some exercise and the available calories went up obviously ... on WW I tried not to use the "extra" points I got for exercising .. is there a way in the app to not have your caloric intake increase when you exercise or do most of you just put it in at the end of the day?

    Looking forward to being supported and supporting :)

    Hello and Welcome!

    To answer your question. Some believe that eating the net exercise calories doesn't work for them. I know I never added extra calories when I lost weight before when I was doing Nutrisystem.

    Now, I'm taking advantage of it. You don't want your calories to stoop too low if you are burning a lot. Your body could actually go into starvation mode, which then can cause you to actually gain.

    ETA: I didn't finish my post before I posted it.
  • cdmalmrose
    cdmalmrose Posts: 29 Member
    I actually did put myself into starvation mode .... that "Before time" was a very scary situation for me it's not somewhere I want to ever be again.
    I have to say that WW is what got me back in action but I have been struggling with the new program, so I am also looking forward to this new way of handling my allotted daily calories and the "exercise calories earned".