HELP! Blood burst from my nose while working out!

ok so I was sick this past week and not able to work out much. I also had a bloody nose a couple days ago because it is hot and dry here but I've been putting ointment in my nose to prevent it from happening again (evidently it didn't work). I was glad to be feeling better today and decided to do some speed work on my treadmill. I felt great and powerful until my blood suddenly began to stream from my nose!
How long should I wait after it stops to resume my workout?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I don't think you need to stop or wait to resume your workouts. A nosebleed usually isn't that serious. It's most likely cause by the mixture of the weather and your cold. However, you may want to see your GP just in case there's a different cause. But I don't think you should stop working out, UNLESS the bleeding is excessive and you're feeling light-headed or dizzy, etc.
  • baneenerwiener
    baneenerwiener Posts: 26 Member
    Well it drips down my face onto the floor and it is a bit excessive. It's almost stopped but I don't feel super lightheaded
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Oh, so you mean it's bleeding like... right now.

    I thought you meant like, you had a nosebleed earlier and was wondering if oyu'd be ok for tomorrow... that sort of thing.

    I mean, I'd probably stop for the day and try again tomorrow.
  • baneenerwiener
    baneenerwiener Posts: 26 Member
    I had one yesterday (I said a couple days ago but it was yesterday oops) so I've been using ointment to prevent another one, but it didn't work and I just got one while I was working out.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Go to a walk in clinic :(
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    When you breathe quickly like that, I would imagine that it can irritate the inside of your nose a lot more than if you breathe normally. I would take it easy for a week or two.
  • WeaponXI
    WeaponXI Posts: 63 Member
    Also when you workout your blood circulation increases. Part of the normal healing process is that a blood clot forms, but this clot can dislodge with the increased circulation. Best to wait 24-48 hours, if its been a couple of days you've had nose bleeds, to make sure it heals. It wouldn't hurt to have it checked out by a doctor as well, especially if it happens again.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Go to a walk in clinic :(

    For a nosebleed?
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Go to a walk in clinic :(

    For a nosebleed?

    Yes, if it spontaneously happens during exercise
  • baneenerwiener
    baneenerwiener Posts: 26 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Go to a walk in clinic :(

    I am sure i don't have to do that (: the air is very dry and it is hot so it isn't too out of the ordinary plus I did have a cold and was blowing my nose quite a bit which dried it out. Breathing harder with all that dryness likely made it dryer and crack
  • baneenerwiener
    baneenerwiener Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you everyone I decided to stop and do yoga after it completely dried and I'm making sure to get lots of iron to make up for the blood loss. I will try to run tomorrow morning!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    We've just gotten over a cold and my son and I both had nosebleeds after it finally cleared. My son's were MUCH worse than mine. I asked him not to lift for a few days after his quit just to make sure it's fully healed. Be aware of what you might be eating that could cause your blood to be thinner too. My son is a big peppermint tea drinker so that combined with the cold and his usual allergies, well, he bleeds a lot. He's putting ointment inside his nose as well and it's helping so he'll be back at the gym soon.

    If you're having trouble getting it to stop, put an ice pack at the base of your skull on your neck and gently pinch the nostrils together. The ice pack shrinks the blood vessels and helps you stop bleeding.
  • daisyverma
    daisyverma Posts: 234 Member
    There might be a link between nosebleeds and high BP

    get your BP checked

    if it happens again, go to a doctor just to make sure its not a symptom of something more serious
  • I get those sometimes when your nose is dry it gets especially bad, when your heart rate rises it can break open the blood vessel in your nose. If you feel well you can get back to your workout a few minutes after all the bleeding stops. Scabs don't take to long to form.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Also when hot and dry saline spray for daytime and a humidifier at night are amazing things. For those of you with colds this also helps and cuts down on sinus infections. I'm prone to very mild lasts for a week intermittent nosebleeds during allergy season.
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    daisyverma wrote: »
    There might be a link between nosebleeds and high BP

    get your BP checked

    if it happens again, go to a doctor just to make sure its not a symptom of something more serious

  • wils5150
    wils5150 Posts: 149 Member
    daisyverma wrote: »
    There might be a link between nosebleeds and high BP

    get your BP checked

    if it happens again, go to a doctor just to make sure its not a symptom of something more serious

    this ^^^^
  • PacificLotus
    PacificLotus Posts: 83 Member
    daisyverma wrote: »
    There might be a link between nosebleeds and high BP

    get your BP checked

    if it happens again, go to a doctor just to make sure its not a symptom of something more serious

    This^^^^ again! I've ended up in a hypertensive crisis by ignoring nosebleeds. Please get it checked out if it happens again!
  • baneenerwiener
    baneenerwiener Posts: 26 Member
    Ok I really don't think I have high blood pressure you guys. My last doctor check up several months ago I didn't have it and I am very healthy and a competitive runner.