
nebulah_exe Posts: 38 Member
edited November 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I'm feeling low. So low. I'm having bad thoughts and I'm treating my boyfriend like crap. Yet he still smiles at me and keeps cuddling me and loving me like it's all okay and normal. I feel huge and horrible. It's days like these that makes me wish I was like other girls wearing really nice clothes and looking more feminine. But I know this is me, the girl in baggy jeans and super comfy jumpers.

I'm sick of arguing with myself. I don't know what to do.


  • Seekerami
    Seekerami Posts: 185 Member
    Chin up you have the power .we believe in you
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I'm the girl in comfy clothes too. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're finding that you have those negative thoughts often, I would recommend seeing a professional to see if there's something that they can do to help you - maybe cognitive therapy.

    If you decide to do that, let your boyfriend know - it sounds like he could be a good support for you.

    I know it's tough to keep pressing on when you feel that crummy, so be kind to yourself if you can. Be snuggled, have a yummy snack, watch a show you enjoy, and let yourself be.

    But if this happens a lot, you need the input/assistance from a professional to help keep you feeling good about yourself.

  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    Your biggest issue is that being healthier and the result of weight loss takes patience and time. You can cut calories for a week and lose 10lbs. If you start this minute, this second by end of May you could be down 20,25lbs.

    Keep at it and stay on course. Your BF is awesome and he'll continue to support you as well as people on here got your back
  • LornaDiane1
    LornaDiane1 Posts: 7 Member
    Depression is a real thing! It is hard to understand, but can make you a little crazy. If you are clinically depressed you need to see a doctor and deal with it that way, if however, you are just feeling down on yourself, there are a few sure fire things that you can do to help yourself. Exercise is an unbelievable help. In stead of sitting on the couch, ask your boyfriend to go for a walk with you. If you have someplace in nature, all the better. Don't dwell on the size you are, think of at least one good thing about your body. It may be as simple as it gets me from the house to the car. Each day find something else you like about you. Set an easy to attain goal and then when reached move it out. Reward yourself for reaching each goal. NO not with food! Track your forward momentem and look forward to seeing everything you have attained. Most of all BE NICE TO THE PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU!!!! They can be your best support system. Don't drive them away.
  • emilee1992
    emilee1992 Posts: 8 Member
    Hiya Snerr I have felt like this many times and I really feel like looking at my situation from a different angle has really helped me. If you ever want to talk I'd be happy too. I studied psychology at university and investigated the effects of exercise on mental health for my thesis and it really help to motivate me :) chin up lovely x
  • jwempa
    jwempa Posts: 3 Member
    First, you're super cute, so you have that going for ya. Plus, it seems like your BF knows that, so that's good. Second, I took a look at your profile and it looks like u r doing really well! You're getting exercise, which is key to producing feel-good endorphins. Third, i don't know if you're on meds, if so, check with your doc, but I find St Johns Wort is excellent for just a little mood lift and keeps those dark thoughts in check. Best of luck to you. Your weight does not define u. Stop comparing yourself to other women and enjoy who u are! Be the best YOU out there :) I'm told that confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear! (Yes, I've struggled with that myself. Lol)
  • nebulah_exe
    nebulah_exe Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks guys. The silly thing is I'm a Psychology graduate and I feel like I should have this sorted. I just needed to vent I think. Thanks again, it means a lot.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Venting can be a therapy all on its own - I've got a few people that will lend an ear if I'm not feeling that great and just need to grumble.

    I hope you feel better soon if you don't already. And stick with it - you'll have ups and downs but you'll be OK in the long run :)

  • ChicagOH
    ChicagOH Posts: 75 Member
    Remember this when you are my age and people are saying "it's great to be young". It's actually easier in some ways to be older. In the meantime, do something really cool for a friend. Random acts of kindness make us feel pretty.
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