GIGANTIC hips...


When I gained weight during my freshman year of college, my hips also decided to become gigantic. They went from 43 inches to about 47. I am wondering... it doesn't seem like there is much fat on the sides of my hips... is it possible my hips will just always be really large? I am worried that even if I lose all of my excess stomach fat, I will still have to wear a size 16 just because my hips are so wide!

Opinions, advice?


  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    This same thing happened to me, but I'm down to 43.75 now. Your body will try to deceive you and make you think you "can't" lose the weight, but in reality if it ain't there, it's hiding somewhere else and you'll find it eventually lol. Just do your best. I've found that walking/running and doing squats/lunges is helping out that area :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It's possible. Mine are 42" on a good day and I feel like I still could lose a LITTLE bit of fat but not much... I doubt I'll ever get to about 40" but yeah, your hips will grow as you get older because your body is preparing for childbirth. So it's possible you'll never have the same measurements you were before you were 18.
  • Seginns
    Seginns Posts: 39
    Don't take this the wrong way, because I'm in the same boat you are, but when you measure your hips, you are also measuring part of your rear. If there's not much fat on the sides of your hips, it could be that your back side is the culprit.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    when I started getting "with it" my hips were a 46, and I am a 39 now. I have been using MFP for a year. they will get smaller. I have hip bones now. Keep it up and so will you!!
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Previously, when I lost a great deal of weight, I never thought it would be possible to get below a size 12 because of my hip bones and 'large bone structure'. I am here to tell you, that got down to a size 4/6. Before that happened, I honestly believed it was impossible.
  • saadler
    saadler Posts: 116
    Don't take this the wrong way, because I'm in the same boat you are, but when you measure your hips, you are also measuring part of your rear. If there's not much fat on the sides of your hips, it could be that your back side is the culprit.

    I suppose that's possible, but the thing is I don't have much of a butt at all. In fact, if I lost any of my butt, it would probably cease to exist :(
  • Beth_1217
    Beth_1217 Posts: 29
    I am also very "hippy." When I started my weight loss journey years ago I wore a 16. Now (50+ lbs later), I still need a larger size than many women in my height/weight range to accommodate my hips. I bet you'll lose some of your hips eventually. It's always the first place I gain it and the last place I lose it. Your body may be similar!

    **edited for clarity
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I have a similar situation. I am spanish and my mother passed on her lineage to both my sister and I... frankly it's a freakin' wonderful problem to have! Not only does it make childbirth easier (not that I'm planning on having kids but tev) but when you have a teeny waist and curvy hips you're just that much sexier! My sister is super slender and and when before I gained all my weight I was still a size 9. I gotta say, guys don't give a hoot what size pants you are if you have the right body shape! Besides, who wants to look like Keira Knightly when they can look like Scarlett Johanssen! Or Penelope Cruz! Or Selma Hayek!?

    Embrace your hips! It's about being healthy and fit anyway, right?
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    My hips were 46"(size 22), now 39-40"(size 8-10).

    They will get smaller! I love mine, though :)
  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    nah don't worry about it , i was a overdosed size 18 meaning i was starting to buldge out of those now im a comfy 16 and my hips went a long with it for me my hips are genetics so i will have the biggest hips possible for me . but hey who said anything was bad about hips? i find when a person has hips, tiny waste, toned legs and a great upper body its sexy . its what im aiming for love your hips girl :) most people wish they got them