New runner.

Hello! I just started running and was wondering if anyone had some "beginner" advice. I am prone to shin splints even with new shoes.

I'm starting with a walk/run method and hopefully going up from there.

Any good foods to have before I run?

Thank you in advance.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    c25K is good for beginners
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    stick with the programme, don't go too fast as you having shin issues. For me the shin pain only lasted a week or two and was part of my body preparing for what was to come. If it lasts longer than the first couple of weeks seek further advice but for now just keep it slow so that you body can adapt to the new demands
  • tturley
    tturley Posts: 73 Member
    edited March 2015
    I eat oatmeal before long runs, the mini cliff bars during. One you go over an hour or so you need about 100 calories per hour. I agree C25K is a good plan.
  • BodyByBrusselSprouts
    BodyByBrusselSprouts Posts: 49 Member
    When I get shin splints I just kneel down and sit back against my feet and lean back. It hurts like hell but it stretches out the shins and ankles and makes the splints go away. YMMV
  • bschneider5
    bschneider5 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't increase more than 10% distance from the previous week. Don't try to go too fast or stomp your feet. Starting out just focus on keeping moving. I've had shin splints and it was from "Too much, too soon".
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Always do your stretches!

    I followed this plan and now I walk/run regularly:

    Get your gait looked at by someone in a specialty store like the Running Room to get the right shoe for you.
  • aubreyjordan
    aubreyjordan Posts: 276 Member
    I also got shin splints, even with new shoes I was fitted for. I found out I have high arches and got an arch support insert. It has made a world of difference! I've also started Kinesio Taping for extra support. I also recommend C25K. Stick with the program, don't push yourself to do more, sooner. That's how I ended up with really bad shin splints that I had to take off 3 weeks for. When you do have them, use the RICE Method - rest, ice, compression, elevate. If you can take Ibuprofen, it will help with pain and inflammation.
  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    You guys are so great! Thanks for the help!
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    edited March 2015
    If you have an iphone and want advice, feedback, and training, I can't recommend the Jeff Galloway series enough. Everyone that tried it, regardless of the program, loves it.

    Easy 5K with Jeff Galloway

    I started with the half marathon program 2 years ago and then got the full. I almost can't run without it.

    He coaches you though run/walk/run training. He gives you tips. It uses your music and will speed up or slow down the tempo.
  • stephenmakin1
    stephenmakin1 Posts: 17 Member
    I started with couch to 5 k last year, then did bridge to 10k and I'm doing my first half marathon in May. It's really easily do-able.

    Find some good podcasts to listen to.

    This may sound strange - but you *HAVE* to actually eat food BEFORE you run. I can't tell my car to move and then reward it with petrol,and I can't tell my body to run and then reward it with food. Well you can if you had carb within the last 12 hours, sometimes, if you're lucky.

    Share with friends on facebook - mine all said they liked seeing it, though I felt I was gloating...
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    I can not eat before I run as it makes me feel ill regardless of the time of day. If I'm only running for 60 minutes or 6-8 miles no food, totally empty, and I run mornings between 5-6 am.

    If it's for more than 6-8 miles, only Gels or Stinger Waffles as it's quick to digest.

    See what works best for you.
  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone!
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Don't do too much downhill running if you are prone to shin splints (I find it aggravates mine). Start with a run walk programme and run very slowly to start with. You should be slightly out of breath but not breathless and gasping! Lots of beginners run too fast to start with. I have a bowl of porridge about two hours before I run, any closer to the run and it is too heavy on my stomach. If you want to run early in the morning eat a good snack before bed and don't eat in the morning until after your run. If you are running for less than an hour that should work ok.
  • alathIN
    alathIN Posts: 142 Member
    Go very easy. Do not increase your overall distance by more than 10% in any week. Spend at least 80% of your running time at an easy, comfortable pace where you can speak in complete sentences. Get properly fitted shoes. Stretch. Do not be shy about getting a coach or going to a clinic to learn some things about technique.

    Running is great, but only if you stay healthy.
  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for everyone's advice!
  • Charliegottheruns
    Charliegottheruns Posts: 286 Member
  • JCC1987
    JCC1987 Posts: 10
    I started running by just trying to run a mile. I didn't follow any program, just kept aiming to do an easier, and ultimately faster, mile every other day in the beginning. Then I extended it to two, and then three. It's been six months and I can run 5k in 28:40, and a mile in 8:10, the latter of which is about three minutes faster than when I started. Maybe I could have reached a stage with faster times by now if I'd followed a program, but maybe not. I just did what I felt was right for me, and doing a mile only takes around 10 minutes... it was a good way for me to ease my way into running without feeling the pressure of progressing through a program.

    I went and bought the cheapest pair of New Balance running shoes from Sports World (I'm a student with very low funds) and they've done me well so far. I'm an evening runner, which I really prefer to daytime running, as it's quieter and cooler. I've got running/workout playlists of songs I listen to which I've selected based on having a good beat to run to, or being motivating when I'm struggling. Because I listen to music and have to cross a few roads, albeit quite roads at night, I wear a high-vis running vest. I felt like an idiot at first, but honestly feel uncomfortable at night without it now. It helps me feel safer on a couple of levels.

    If I run more than a couple of hours after eating a big meal, I will have a banana 15 minutes before I leave. I definitely run better with some fuel in me. Sometimes I find having coffee before helps as well. I always like to stop my run a short distance (maybe 1/4 of a mile) from home so I can walk back and cool down - I found the few times I didn't do this left me with more aches the next day. I've never suffered shin splits so can't offer any advice on that, but I have found a foam roller helpful on the few occasions I've had aching calves.

    I think it really just is a case of trial and error, finding what works for you. Definitely don't pay attention to other people's times for the distances you are doing... everybody is built differently and comparing yourself to others isn't really a helpful approach. Just compete with yourself, trying to keep hitting new personal bests, and be persistent with your training. The changes you'll see will amaze you :)
  • jlewisrn74
    jlewisrn74 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm eating steel cut oats right now getting ready for a long run. I add some protein powder and some almonds to it for protein.
  • jlewisrn74
    jlewisrn74 Posts: 94 Member
    edited March 2015
    And a sliced banana to my oatmeal too for potassium
  • aubreyjordan
    aubreyjordan Posts: 276 Member
    For C25K there are several apps that will tell you when to start/stop running. I use the one by Zen Labs and it just interrupts my music briefly.