Need help motivating myself.

So, I've been on a slippery sloap for the past year. Between dieting and exercise then bing drinking and being acouch potato, I'm starting to get frustrated with myself. Does anyone have any sort of motivational way to keep going. I deff dont want to be 22 and overweight.


  • keylime314159
    keylime314159 Posts: 5 Member
    My advice is to look objectively at where you are right now and try to change one thing at a time. Trying to change too much at once is overwhelming and frustrating. Just focus on one goal at a time, like determine that you're going to walk 30 min per day or turn off the TV from 4-6pm. THen once that seems easier, you can add in more to work on.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Start with smaller goals that will be easier for you to obtain. For example, instead of saying I need to lose 50 pounds in three months you may decide to lose five pounds this month by eating at a reasonable calorie goal and exercising a few times a week. Reward yourself with something small and non-food related when you reach the small goals and have a big reward when you reach your ultimate goal. Focus on losing inches and improving fitness more than the number on the scale as weight loss doesn't steadily drop each week, but zig-zags up, down, and sideways sometimes! It can be frustrating to understand the why behind it, especially when you are eating at goal. But, possibly the biggest thing is you have to decide why you really want to lose weight and if you are ready to do the work necessary to reach your goals because a lot of times you have to be mentally tough when you are tempted to eat nothing but pizza, donuts, and drink a ton of beer all weekend. It took me a long time to decide that I was ready and willing to work to lose all of the weight that I had gained from years of being a couch potato.

    Good luck!
  • m7mdth
    m7mdth Posts: 46 Member
    If you lose 1 kilo, give your self a point. If you collect 100000 points come to me and I will give you All my pokemon :p
    Just kidding

    what you said is an enough reason to start, and remember skull that the real motivation comes from the inside, I mean the heart not the stomach

    I am 21 and have lost some weight I will add you and then we can compare and challenge each other
  • m7mdth
    m7mdth Posts: 46 Member
    I have an idea that may work for some ladies
    Buy a dress that will fit you if and only of you have lost the number of kilos or pounds you want to loose
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    SkylerAtri wrote: »
    Does anyone have any sort of motivational way to keep going.

    Yes, this:
    SkylerAtri wrote: »
    I deff dont want to be 22 and overweight.

    What more motivation do you need?