New to my Fitness Pal-

i have been doing fitness pal about five days and wanted to get in with a person to chitchat about this application. I also purchased the UP24 wrist band that will synchronize with my fitness pal and wondered if there was anybody else out there that had the same product? It's made by Jawbone


  • jmasci20
    jmasci20 Posts: 82 Member
    Welcome aboard. I am on day 39 of my logging streak, but no UP24 here. Best wishes!!
  • Hi, Jmasci20, thanks. I got the UP24 and it was delivered broken. So I will just keep logging my food. I've skipped a few loggings, but I'm still not giving up. I'm continuing walking and getting exercise in when ever I can.
  • rbee2015
    rbee2015 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey, I am new to this app and can't figure it out. Been logging my food for five days. Dang, it is just amazing how calorie dense everything is.
  • What problem are you having with the program?
  • rbee2015
    rbee2015 Posts: 50 Member
    Wow, finally found out how to post something. Now I probably won't be able to find my way back here. My problem is sugar. That stuff has a grip on me. Found out it helps if I have nutritious foods easily accessible in the fridge, ready to grab quickly.
  • rbee2015
    rbee2015 Posts: 50 Member
    I just don't know all the things that are available. Just now stumbled over to Community...and found other people
  • You made it back to respond. Yeah sugar is my problem too, but I just keep plugging away. Exercise more when I eat sugar, and I use Stevia in my tea which makes me feel like I get something sweet without cheating. I also drink water with fresh squeezed lemon in it and crushed ice. Makes me feel like I'm still getting to eat, by chewing on the ice and I get the lemon flavor which I really love....
  • Which community?
  • rbee2015
    rbee2015 Posts: 50 Member
    I am getting on that scale tomorrow. Where do I put my new weight, so I can track my progress?
  • put your weight in your profile in fitness pal
  • Well I've only eaten 525 calories today and planning on going to Red Robin for dinner so that's where I'll play catch up there....Hey Rbee2015 what is your first name? Mine is Monica...Hope you are having some fun with this. Just got the FitBit tracker to wear on my person, so hopefully that will help me lose this darn 50 lbs that I want to lose!!!